chp 17

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3rd POV

"So, shall we just wait here?" Gilcaster asked.

Rimuru's party was currently returning to the Tempest Ruins after their visit from the Ice Continent.

After Guy told them what happened to this world, Rimuru then quickly made a plan.

A/n: No he won't🗿

In addition, Guy also said that the people of Tempest were safe so Rimuru only needed to focus on the war and help him find the other Rimuru.

"Of course we need a plan." Enkidu replied to Gilcaster.

"No, we don't. There's nothing to worry about. I know very well what will happen... yes. I know very well..." said rimuru.

Velda, who realized what Rimuru meant, just let out a long sigh.

"Ivaraj's seal ...."

Hearing Velda's words, made Enkidu and Gilcaster look at him confused.

"Ivaraj?" Asked enkidu.

"The world-destroying dragon" replied velda.

"Hohoo? And what can this dragon do?" Gilcaster said with a confident look that he might be able to defeat ivaraj.

"You'll understand when you fight that thing" Rimuru replied.

"Hmph. No one can defeat m-"


A loud explosion followed by a cracking sound rang out from the sky.

"Demon Lord Rimuru. And here I thought you were gone..." in the sky, there were Feldway and Michael and lots of angels and Insectars.

"Ohhh? Wait, you're not Rimuru... no, you are Rimuru but not from this world" Michael said as he and Feldway landed on the ground, in front of Rimuru's party.

"Mongrel, who are you?" Gilcaster said.

"Hooo? Same to you, mister... I don't know. Who are you?"

The atmosphere around grew tense as Gilcaster and Michael stared at each other.

"Ignificant worm!" Feldway then rushed towards Gilcaster while pulling out his sword, aiming for Gil's head.


A chain suddenly appeared and blocked his attack as well binding Feldway.

"I won't let you." Enkidu said.

"Kuhkk! Bastaaaaard!" Feldway then broke the chain, and rushed towards Gilcaster, once again.

"What!?" Shocked by what "they" saw, Enkidu began to quickly shoot chain after chain at Feldway.

"Enkidu, let me handle this"

"Ha! You should listen to your servant" Feldway taunted.

"You! Enkidu is my friend! Mongrel! I'll kill you!

By my order, ready the arrows!" Suddenly, a lot of portals appeared behind gilcaster.

"Use my treasures to show them the power that protects Uruk!" One by one, behind the portals appeared weapons and much more.

"W-what!? Where it comes from!" Shouted feldway.

"My resolve shall flood the earth!
Melammu Dingir!" Not only hundreds, but thousands or even countless of weapons were fired at feldway non-stop.

"Aghhh! Bastaaaard!" Feldway tried to deflect the attacks, but one by one the weapons hit him, leaving him with holes in his body. He would have been dead by now if not for Michael cast a Castle Guard at him.

"Hooo? Looks like someone wants more?" Gilcaster said.

"B-Bastard... Michael-sama!"

"Everyone! Attack them!" As Michael shouted those words, all the angels and insectars engaged in a fight with Rimuru's party while Michael and Feldway retreated.

"Cihhh! You won't get-"

"Leave them alone, Enkidu" said rimuru.

And thus, rimuru's party began to fight the angels and insectars.

Unbeknownst to them, far from the battlefield, stood a short-haired woman.

Dressed in a traditional kimono, the woman had black eyes, and jet black hair.

Beside the woman, also stood an old man.

A gray-haired old man, probably around his 60s. With an excellent posture, well-built, and 190cm tall.

"You're not joining them?" The old man said to the woman.

"...No. He said to stay out of this story until it gets worse."

"Is that so? Or perhaps you are afraid of this being, Rimuru Tempest?" Smirked the old man while still looking at the battle.

"Afraid? Hah, same with you... old man." Replied the woman.

"...Alright then. Let's go, the next script involves us, so get ready..."

"Tchhh, I don't take orders from anyone, remember" the old man and woman then walked away, leaving the battlefield.

"What can I say to that? We're just pawns in his hands..." the old man said.

In an unknown location

"I'll look forward to this... though, already know what will happen next. Heh, being a writer sucks when you think about it..."

"Yep, you're right." A voice sounded from behind, revealing a tall figure.

"Nice to meet you ▬▬▬~"


Enjoy and sorry for the short chp🍷

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