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In the night, Yusei Fudo and (Reader) Sekiguchi were released from the Detention Center. Just as the two were about to part ways to pursue their goals, Yusei had second thoughts. He convinced the reluctant (Reader) to come with him, and he promised to protect her, just as she did for him. Thus, the duo headed their way to Bootleg, for Jin Himuro told the male protagonist that there was someone who could help the hero. Along the way, the agents of Rex Godwin were sent to tail the criminal duo. Before they could take Yusei, a broker named Saiga arrived in time to grab the young hero to safety. 

At the broker's apartment, the owner helped locate Yusei's D-Wheel and gathered enough materials for his mission. (Reader) returned from outrunning Rex's agents, but the wound of her abdomen from former chief Takasu's beating became worse, so Saiga treated her wounds. The protagonist informed the outlander of his mission and told her to recover while he's gone.

The next day was the infiltration. Before Yusei left the apartment, Saiga revealed that he, a former duelist, used to have a friend named Yuji until something happened, and they had not see each other since. Hoped that the story would make his client reconsider his actions, the young duelist was very adament to retrieve his D-Wheel, unaware of his hidden pursuer.

As the anime's story went, Yusei infiltrated a building by wearing a disguise, using the alias Taro Daimon. Just as things seemed to go swimmingly, Yusei was spotted by Tetsu Ushio, a Sector Security who held a grudge toward his target, like as the anime forsaw and (Reader) overlooked. As the hero tried to escape the Security Warehouse, his pursuer forcibly challenged his target to a Riding Duel. At the same time, (Reader) and Saiga ventured to the warehouse to save their friend. 

During the duel, it was revealed that Saiga and Yuji once competed in tag duels and became great friends. Unfortunately, things became awry; as a result, the two were caught in an accident. The former duelist was okay; sadly, Yuji got injured from the incident. Saiga detested friendships as he lived with regret for not being forgiven of his actions toward his partner. Even so, Yusei pointed out about the repaired Machina Sniper card being proof of that Yuji never held any hatred toward the broker. (Reader) even forgave Saiga, bringing him a peace of mind. 

The Riding Duel finished with Yusei's victory. He and (Reader) let Saiga take care of Tetsu while they escaped the warehouse. Unfortunately, they were electrocuted by more Security. The duo were separated from the crash landing at the Tops. Lua and Luca, a pair of twin siblings, took Yusei to rest at their room whilst Utage Inouye, a manager from the building the protagonist snuck in, carried (Reader) to his apartment room to recover.

Throughout the next day, Yusei dueled Lua whilst (Reader) and Utage instantly bonded as friends. The blue-eyed hero was worried about his female companion, had remembered that she was in the middle of recovery.

 Nighttime came and Tetsu had been waiting for the chance for the protagonist to come out. When the latter entered outside to search for his female companion, the former was about to pursue him again. That was until Yeager, the Head of Special Investigations from the Public Maintenance Department, halted the investigator's pursuit. Yeager threatened Yusei by telling him that if he denied to enter the Fortune Cup, the hero's friends from Satellite would suffer unimaginable pain. Once Yeager and Tetsu left, Yusei reunited with Saiga and much later, (Reader). The broker and the outlander made amends and formed a bond of trust, much to the hero's delight.

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