Chapter 15

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Wei Wuxian opened his eyes from where he rested near Yanling Daoren and Suibian.

He saw all the cultivators gathered in the room, though they couldn't see him, with him...being dead and all. Even so, he felt restless, seeing many faces that had besieged him, and some that hadn't.

They were all riveted to the massive visual images of his memories playing before them, his innermost feelings and thoughts on display.

'How had Chenqing made this possible with his power?' Wei Wuxian wondered. Chenqing, or Yanling Daoren was certainly powerful.

It was an interesting use of his abilities but Wei Wuxian wished his memories weren't being used. He didn't have the energy to be angry. He was just so tired. Drained.

Wei Wuxian found his eyes wandering over to look at Lan Xuan, the eldest brother of Lan Xichen and Lan Zhan, if he recalled Yanling Daoren's words correctly.

Wei Wuxian froze when he locked eyes with Lan Xuan, when said person looked up from where he sat beside Lan Zhan.

If he had a heart, it would be racing in his chest at this very moment, from anxiety or nervousness, Wei Wuxian wasn't sure.

'Hello, Wei Wuxian,' Lan Xuan sent him a gentle smile. There was nothing in his eyes, not hatred, malice, no negative emotion aimed at him, no blame in his eyes.

For some reason, Wei Wuxian felt like he wanted to cry seeing that. Lan Xuan...just seemed so open and kind. If he's been by Lan Wangji's side since he was young, then why did Lan Xuan not hate him too? After all, he believed Lan Zhan had hated him, though Yanling Daoren and Suibian say otherwise.

Lan Xuan seemed to have a temperament, much like Lan Xichen

, but it was more in a way, even with that kindness, there was a hidden kind of strength and determination.

'Apologies, I would stand to come over and greet you properly for the first time, but I fear that you would not yet like for me to do so and the others would see and wonder what I was doing, Lan Wangji especially.' Lan Xuan gave an apologetic smile this time.

Wei Wuxian blinked. "How are you speaking to me?"

Lan Xuan chuckled lightly under his breath. 'Thanks to Yanling Daoren who created a link between the four of us.'

"Ah, I see." Wei Wuxian nodded.

'How are you feeling right now?" Lan Xuan inquired softly.

Wei Wuxian shrugged, not looking at him. What could he say, really? There was too much for him to put into words.

Wei Wuxian could feel Lan Xuan studying him quietly.

Wei Wuxian felt bad for being a little rude when he decided to close his eyes and turn his back to lay back down to rest his weary soul, but Lan Xuan didn't say another word.

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Lan Xuan watched Wei Wuxian carefully, quietly. The other had been through quite a lot. He worried for Wei Wuxian, and he worried for his brother.

Lan Xuan looked at Lan Wangji, studying him carefully. His brother's eyes were red rimmed from crying and his hands were balled into tightly clenched fists, his robes crumpled beneath white knuckles from his grip. He held himself so rigid, so still, but when he looked at his brother's back, Lan Xuan felt he could see the weight of the world trying to crush him, as if a huge boulder weighed on his shoulders.

The depth and weight of his love, like a bottomless ocean. Lan Xuan knew how devoted his brother was when he gave his heart away, and he knew the guilt Lan Wangji was harboring, thinking he failed Wei Ying. And he knew Wei Wuxian believed his brother hated him. All the misunderstandings...

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