Ch. 19

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Note: I'm leaving a note at the beginning of the chapter, not at the end this time, mainly for a warning. This chapter is centered on Chenqing and Suibian. Next again will be LWJ and WWX, but also a little bit of everyone else. There is smut in this chapter. You've been warned. This may be the last update for a while, for many reasons I've reiterated a thousand times and there's only a few chapters left so I have to stretch them out, make the chapters longer (unless I decide to divide it up and make a few more chapters if I have to. We will see.) and wrap up the story in the final upcoming chapters. Hope you like the chapter. ❤️💕💕🥰


Chenqing and Suibian stood off in the corner away from the Lan family, the Nie brothers, away from Xiao Xingchen and Song Lan.

They both stood watch over Jin Guangshan and Jin Guangyao. Su Shi was still an unknown variable but they would find him soon enough.

"When I get my hands on that little..." Suibian growled.

Chenqing snorted and waved his hand while rolling his eyes. "Yeah, you'd maim him."

Suibian quirked a brow at him. "Like you're any better."

Chenqing did the same back. "Yes, but I have...more restraint... usually. You know that."

"True," Suibian muttered, eyeing Jin Guangshan's ruined person. The little bastard was a descendant of his blood line and he was filth. Trash.

"Hey! Are you still alive?" Suibian snapped briskly, landing a swift, harsh kick to Jin Guangshan's stomach, forcing him to curl up on the ground. Squirming around just like a pathetic worm. But that was even an insult to worms, because they probably served a better purpose than this bastard.

"Do we really have to give this piece of garbage a trial or something? Do we really have to wait? I could just get rid of him now and save us the trouble. Please, can I kill him?" Suibian pouted his lips at Chenqing.

Chenqing had his eyes closed and wasn't even looking at him when he briskly replied, "no."

"Oh, come on! I mean, look at him! He's already half dead at this point. I'd just be putting him out of his misery." Suibian shrugged, and then paused. "Ugh, nevermind. It's too merciful and kind for the likes of him anyway."

Chenqing snickered. "You never change. You're impatient like a child..or more like a dog with a bone. An absolute menace." He shook his head, his tone was dry but his eyes were full of fondness.

Suibian gave Jin Guangshan another hard kick, watching him curl up and try to crawl away (unsuccessfully) and Suibian snickered.

Chenqing sighed. "Okay, you menace, quit tormenting the half dead former Jin Sect leader."

Suibian turned his full attention back to Chenqing, smirking. "But it's fun." He stalked closer into Chenqing's space, putting their faces an inch apart as he spoke into the other's ears, his lips softly brushing against it. "You like that I can be a menace. I'm yours after all." He dipped his head and gave Chenqing's neck a gentle lick with the flick of his tongue before using his teeth to bite down with soft nibble at the same spot. He felt Chenqing shudder, as he had pressed up against his chest with his own, he heard the low moan in the other's throat.

Suibian had erected an invisible barrier around the two of them. They could see and hear the others but they themselves couldn't be seen or heard.

He crushed Chenqing tightly in his arms, giving him more attention. He really loved how soft and tender Chenqing's neck was. He pressed soft kisses slowly down the others neck leaving tender trails, He knew all his lovers best spots. They haven't done it in a while honestly, with everything that had been going on and Suibian was ravenous for this man.

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