Chapter 2

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It took months for the cultivation world to recover from Siege at Burial Mounds.

The cultivation world has tried many methods to reach Wei Wuxian's soul to see if he would return one day and seek revenge, but to no avail. Their efforts were always fruitless.

The Jiang Sect would be holding a gathering, a Discussion Conference to discuss future possibilities of the Yiling Patriarch's return to the world of the living, and what they should do if the need arises, many were restless and worried.

All cultivators thought their peace was well-earned without the Yiling Patriarch to spread his evil around the world. They wanted to make sure nothing would happen in the future.

The world was better off without that man, after all.


Jiang Cheng paced. He had already invited the other sects to his so he could just turn them away. He glanced at the Yiling Patriarch's still figure, as always - seeming like he was resting instead of being the dead man that he was. None of the sects knew what he had done with his brothers body, they simply figured he buried the man somewhere or destroyed his body.

A disciple knocked on the door.

"What is it?" Jiang Cheng snapped.

"Sect Leader, the guests have arrived."

Jiang Cheng pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance and frustration. "Alright, go on then."

He gave one one last glance at his brother before leaving his room.

The others could not find out about this, Jiang Cheng already warded the room with talismans and made sure the door as locked before rushing to meet his guests.


"Did you bring the sword?" Jiang Cheng inquired to the Jin Sect Leader about Wei Wuxian's sword Suibian. It never belonged in their possession anyway so Jiang Cheng made sure to ask for it back and not give them any room to back out. Jin Guangshan seemed reluctant but still had one of the disciples hand the sword back.

Jiang Cheng nodded his thanks, not wanting to be rude but he didn't really have anything to say to Jin Guangshan. He never liked the other man. Jiang Cheng excused himself to put the sword away in a safe place.

Sect Leader Nie from the Qinghe sect along with some of his members, Sect Leader Lan Xichen with his uncle Lan Qiren along with a few elders and west members, Sect Leader Jin Guangshan along with Jin Guangyao and some of their members and other sects that had come to join in all sat in their respective places to sit from Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Cheng let out a nervous breath after placing the sword in his brothers room before leaving and closing the door again hurrying back to the guests.

Jiang Cheng sat down and his seat and they started the discussion. The hall was loud from many voices talking at once.

Then something unexpected happened.

Immersed in their discussion, no one noticed right away that black flute Chenqing mounted on the wall had begun to swirl with resentful energy. The energy quickly spread around the room, around the cultivators.

There were gasps around the room at the large mass of resentful energy suddenly surrounding them.

"What's going on?" Voices cried.

"What's the meaning of this?!" Others echoed.

They then noticed the black flute Chenqing mounted on the wall, and the resentful energy was very thick coming from it.

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