Extra: Sneak Peek

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Okay I want to share this here for some feedback again, I've added some stuff to it, 😖😅 So shortening it description wise, this new upcoming MDZS fanfiction WIP will ofc have angst, be angsty (will have healing and bonding stuff too, not just angst) WWX gets his body back and kinda eventual time travel or more like,  characters watching MDZS type (my second fic like this), MXY comes back and gets his chance (because he was done dirty in MDZS because of JGY and the Mo's😭). Let's just say a lot is gonna happen in this fic. The doc for the plot has been expanded with some edits to organize it, though it's not perfect. And also if you've read seeking solace And you don't follow me, please do, in case I post a notification, message on my board on Wattpad, the conversations page where I can notify follows about updates and stuff.

And the WIP will have same pace process as the other fic, and slow updates I'm warning you now. I will try and write out two chapters at a time and post them that way, or write short bulks and post so there's more, we will see how it goes with life, I'm not making any promises but this is something I really want to do, and I will do.the best I can.

Here the link again, and I will be posting it on my page and notifying follows of the link.


And here's some of what I have so far that's also on the doc. Sneak peak of the start of the story (still WIP):


Start/Part 1:
It has been two and a half years since Wei Wuxian has come back thanks to the sacrifice of Mo Xuanyu.

  Wei Wuxian and Jin Ling stood side by side after finally conquering the yao during their night hunts together, also after a nearly fatal hit to Wei Wuxian because he had jumped in the way of an attack meant for Jin Ling.

Jin Ling and Wei Wuxian had been spending a lot of time together, with the others, and most of the time Lan Wangji. Jin Ling had also learned many more tricks and tips from Wei Wuxian (when Jiang Cheng was too busy to help him or join them both); Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng were still slowly patching their relationship as best as they could. Baby steps and all. Jin Ling still kept night hunting a lot of times with the Sizhui and the others and training outside of his sect duties, and always learning from Wei Wuxian and learning more about the man who he had been taught to hate when he was growing up, learning he killed his parents.

It had never been that simple or clear cut.

Jin Ling regretted stabbing him two years ago and felt deep remorse. Wei Wuxian would laugh it off but…Jin Ling knew it could have been very, very bad.

Jin Ling decided then. “I have something I want to say. And don't…don't say anything. Don't be…you for just one moment. Even though I know it's a difficult task for you.” Jin Ling muttered the last part under his breath.

“I know an apology can't change what happened, or erase it and I know you…you just pretend or say that it was nothing..or whatever. But..ah..” Jin Ling cleared his throat, looking down at his feet nervously, and felt his cheeks reddening.

Wei Wuxian chuckled slightly at that. “What's this? What's got you all worked up, Jin Ling?”

“I'm sorry!” Jin Ling burst out. “I'm so sorry for stabbing you at Koi Tower that day!”

Wei Wuxian flinched back a little at the reminder, also recalling the after image he saw in that moment. He was also shocked.

“Jin Ling, no. It's fine. I deserved it and besides, it was nothing. I'm fine, am I not? I'm still here, Jin Ling.”

“-Don’t. Don't do that. Please.” Jin Ling held up his palm facing out, tears springing to his eyes, his expression part angry and solemn. “Don't brush what I did off like that! That's not okay! Why do you-? Just…don't. It doesn't change the fact that I did stab you and things could have ended up turning out very badly, and I was almost the cause of it. And you and HanGuang-jun…I almost.. I almost took you away from him again, and away from Sizhui and everyone. From…me and uncle. I would have robbed everyone of a second chance. And-” Jin Ling was starting to shout and was rambling but he couldn't stop.

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