Chapter 3

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Chenqing sat peering at all cultivators in the room. His pale red gaze moved to rest on Lan Xichen for a moment.

"Did you send the letter?"

"Yes," Lan Xichen replied, his tone full of worry for his brother.

Chenqing sighed, rolling his eyes. "No need to fret, young Sect Leader Lan. No harm will befall your younger brother at my hands - that I can solemnly vow." Chenqing's gaze was serious.

Chenqing then would that Lan Wangji react if he knew his Master's body was here at Lotus Pier

Maybe it was best he didn't find out that tidbit just yet

Lan Wangji - Chenqing heard from the whispers that the resentful energy picked up from the wind and surroundings - had still called for his Master's soul, many months after his death. It had already been a year and a few months and the man had still.....

Chenqing admired the man's will to keep calling for a soul that might.....that might never answer.

The other had a right to be here for what he was about to show the rest of the cultivators and Chenqing would not confine him - not trap him, forcing him to stay..oh no.. He would allow Lan Wangji to decide - the man was owed that much.

Chenqing felt he deserved to see and know the truth, if Lan Wangji wished and could endure it.

The crowd of Cultivators were terrifyingly quiet while Chenqing mused.

It was awkward to say the least, none of them liked the situation, at all.

A young cultivator from the Lanling Sect, a Jin Sect member spoke up.

"This is the Jiang residence, and yet...Sect Leader Jiang, Why are you allowing this.. this thing - a tool - to act like he owns the place and is in charge? Doesn't that make you lose face?"

Chenqing blinked his eyes owlishly slow, staring at the cultivator who spoke. "You really must be a are still able to speak of matters such as 'saving face' in such a predicament you are in but why is it your concern and business with what Jiang Wanyin does? Or what I do? Who do you think you are?"

Chenqing looked at the young Jiang Sect Leader, "What do you think, Jiang Wanyin? Ah, you must agree I suppose. I am using your home after all. My apologies for the disrespect. If Master was alive and knew...about what I could do.. And how I have acted towards you - he would certainly scold me." Chen Qing forlornly sighed.

Jiang Cheng snorted at that. "Oh, really?"

Chenqing glared and bared his teeth, standing up from his seat to march over to the purple clothed man.

"Yes, really." Chenqing spoke darkly. "You dare doubt Master and yet you who hmph. Master cared for you and your sect, for Lotus Pier and you act like this" Chenqing trailed off, "You know nothingbut just wait. Wait and see ."

Jiang Cheng sneered, twisting the ring of Zidian on his finger and glaring at Chenqing.

Chenqing revealed a wide grin, baring his teeth again. "Oh, is Sect Leader Jiang going to attack me?" He looked out from under his eyelashes, that smile still on his face. "By all means, I can fight a couple rounds or more. Ahh, but then...we'd be destroying such a beautiful place and as much as you may want to attack me - you don't at the same time. You won't.

You want to know something else? In Nightless City...between Lady Yanli and Master...and you. Those events, you know what happened, you know the truth you saw then with your own eyes and yet you still blamed Master and he accepted the blame. Did you know doing so, blaming him for Lady Yanli's death - your spitting on your sister's memory? She loved him as much as she loved you, as family - just without blood ties. You take after your mother, using your anger and bitterness to hide behind like a coward.

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