Chapter 8: the rainy day

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When Hikaru looked up and saw the rain pouring down from the sky, she hesitated.

Should she wait until the rain stops or brave the weather and walk through it?

But she had to go, especially with the launch time approaching.

"That guy would be worried if I was a latte. He's probably going to run under the storm to search for me," she thought to herself as she made her way outside.

"Oh, leaving so soon, young lady? It's raining so hard outside. That could be dangerous for you," the librarian warned.

"Don't worry, sir. There's someone who's going to pick me up," she replied.

"Very well, take care, young lady. And make sure to come back. It's rare for a girl your age to come to the library," the librarian said while waving to her.

"I will. Have a good day, sir. And thank you for your hard work," she said as she lowered her head to him.

As Hikaru stepped out of the library, the rain welcomed her with its gentle touch.

The cool droplets landed on her face, hands, and clothes.

The sensation was refreshing, and she took a deep breath, inhaling the earthy smell that filled the air.

"Let's take this opportunity and experience something new," she thought while looking up at the sky and watching as the raindrops danced down from the clouds.

The clouds were a deep gray, contrasting with the bright green leaves of the trees around her.

The world around her was painted with a watery sheen that added a touch of mystery and beauty to everything.

The sound of raindrops was all around her, tapping on the roof of the houses and the ground below.

She closed her eyes and let the sound of the rain envelop her. It was like music to her ears, a soothing melody that made her forget all her worries and stress.

"That's a great vibe," she said as she walked along the street, feeling the wet pavement under her feet.

The rain washed away the dirt and grime, leaving everything clean and renewed.

The world around her seemed to come alive under the rain, with colors and shapes becoming more vibrant and pronounced.

As Hikaru continued walking in the rain, feeling refreshed and invigorated, she stumbled upon a peculiar sight.

A small girl, no more than 13 years old, was frantically searching through the bushes along the side of the path.

Her outfit caught Hikaru's attention, as she was dressed in a green bunny costume that seemed out of place.

As Hikaru approached her, the little girl looked up with wide, frightened eyes. Her fear was palpable, and Hikaru could sense that she was struggling to communicate with her.

"Don't be afraid," Hikaru said gently, trying to put her at ease. "What are you searching for?"

The little girl hesitated for a moment, still unsure of Hikaru's intentions. But as the rain continued to fall, she seemed to grow more desperate.

Finally, she spoke up in a soft, timid voice.

"I've lost something very important to me," she said, her voice barely audible over the sound of the rain. Hikaru could see the distress in her eyes. Trying to sound as reassuring as possible, she asked, "What is that thing?"

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