Chapter 17: Just like me

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The clock struck 5 in the morning, and the world outside was cloaked in darkness. The quiet of the early morning was disturbed by the rustling of paper 

Shido opened a large piece of paper that illuminated the room with its contents. It was the plan of his lifetime - a plan to go on a date with not one, but four different girls - Tohka, Kurumi, Hikaru, and Origami.

As he studied the plan, he couldn't help but feel a sense of trepidation. Most teenagers would be fast asleep at this hour, but not Shido. His mind was racing with thoughts of how he could pull off such an intricate plan without getting caught.

"Now, as I discussed with Kotori yesterday," Shido murmured to himself, "the first one I have to meet is Hikaru at 9:00. I have a whole hour before I met with Tohka." 

Shido planned to show hikaru around the city for half an hour, as she seemed curious about it. Then, he would take her to a restaurant where she could indulge in her love for food

"Hikaru would agree because she loves food, and I can give her some excuse to leave her there. That would probably give me about 45 minutes max before Hikaru would sense that something is off."

Shido's gaze shifted to the next part of the plan. He had to meet Tohka at 10:00 am. 

"She's got a ticket for the aquarium". He planned to spend 30 minutes with her and then make a quick check-in with Hikaru before moving on to his next meeting with Kurumi and Origami at 11:00 am. He had calculated every minute of his day

He rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "I think Origami would forgive me if I were late for 15 minutes. For those 15 minutes, I will spend it with Kurumi. At the end of that, I can give her an excuse to go to Origami, then go back to Hikaru, then tohka, and then Kurumi... If I spend 15 minutes with each girl, that would make every girl wait for 45 minutes... I should make so many excuses every time I leave one of them."

As he finished speaking, his legs gave out, and he collapsed into the chair behind him.

"I am dead..." he whispered, tears streaming down his face. "What kind of luck should I have to go through this?"


The clock ticked away and the hands slowly approached 8:55. Shido stood still, waiting anxiously for Hikaru to arrive at the agreed meeting place. 

Suddenly, a voice came through his communication device. "Do you understand now bro, it's about time, don't mess everything up," Kotori warned him.

Shido let out a sigh and replied, "Don't be surprised if I do, Kotori. The whole thing is destined to fail."

Time passed, and the clock struck 9:00. "She still didn't show up," Shido muttered to himself as he started to pace, searching for Hikaru. 

 Suddenly, her face appeared in front of him, "WAAAAAAH!"  causing him to shout in surprise and fall back onto the ground. 

Hikaru chuckled and helped him stand up," you okay?" hikaru said

"Yeah thank you," he said as he stood, "from where you come?" he asked

"Who knows... anyway can we start our date," she said as she lead the way

"Of course," he said, following closely behind.

Kotori chimed in, "Shido, did you forget something?"

"Oh, right. Hikaru," he called out, getting her attention.

"What?" she turned around to face him.

"Your dress fits you. You look beautiful," he said, a smile spreading across his face.

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