Chapter 31: Sandalphooooooooon!

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A violent gale razed the woodlands that separated the north and the south sections of Arubi. The green leaves that signaled the advent of summer were ripped to shreds and sent flying, whirling in the air as if they'd been tossed into a blender. Slender trees were ripped out by the roots and launched like javelins.

The act of a tyrannical Berserker. The incarnation of senseless violence, annihilating everything within reach.

Who on earth could have imagined that the cause of this sudden storm was a massive quarrel between two girls?

Amidst the chaos stood Hikaru resolute in the midst of the tempest. Her long, midnight-black hair danced wildly in the wind, flowing like cascading shadows around her ethereal form. Clad in an astral dress that shimmered and fluttered in the gale, billowing around her like a veil of ethereal power. 

Despite the tempestuous winds that threatened to knock her off her feet, Hikaru stood firm, her arms crossed in front of her chest, her eyes scanning the area with a sharp intensity.

Surrounding her like a pack of relentless predators, the robotic dolls stood poised to strike, their metallic limbs glinting ominously in the raging storm. Their glowing eyes were fixed on their target.

With a swift movement, Hikaru broke her arms free from their crossed position, slowly lowering them to her sides. "COME!"

Without hesitation, the first mechanical doll lunged forward, its metallic fists aimed at Hikaru.

"...!" But in an instant, the robot found its target vanished from sight, leaving its swinging fists through empty air.

Hikaru reappeared, already above the doll, her feet arcing gracefully through the air. The clash of metal against metal reverberated through the tranquil night as Hikaru delivered a devastating Axe kick, forcefully shattering the doll and sending it crashing to the ground.

"Slow," she murmured with a hint of amusement.

But there was no respite, for as her words trailed off, four more dolls swiftly closed in on her, launching simultaneous attacks from different directions. Undeterred, Hikaru's lips curled into a mischievous smile, her eyes gleaming with excitement.

"Heee~" she let out a playful exclamation.

As one of the dolls swiped its hand toward her. Without flinching, her body twisted as she deftly dodged the doll's attack. She grabbed the robot's outstretched hand and used its momentum to send it toward the other attackers, In a swift and fluid motion, the dolls were sent hurtling through the air.

"Is that all?" Hikaru landed on the sandy beach ground, her feet sinking slightly into the soft sand. Her gaze swept across the mechanical dolls before her, their lifeless forms standing motionless as if weighing their next move.

Hikaru's lips curled into a fierce smile as she extended both arms, stretching her fingers out wide, as if ready to grasp the very air itself.

"I yearn for a battle that will ignite the flames of my warrior spirit! Show me the full extent of your formidable strength! I dare you to face me with all the fury and might at your command! Let us create a symphony of combat that shall echo across the ages!" she declared, her face glowing with bright blush and a wide smile that illuminated.

As the words thundered across the night, the entire legion of 14 robots surged forward simultaneously, their metallic bodies hurtling towards Hikaru like an unstoppable tidal wave.

"GOOD!" Hikaru's muscles bulged as she tightened her fist, she launched her fist at the ground beneath her feet.

"...?!" The force of the impact sent shockwaves rippling through the earth, scattering grains of sand in all directions.

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