Molly Rocks

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「Chapter 3」

(Rated 16+ for: Slight Nudity/Sexual Imagery)

The pups were playing around in Puplantis while also showing Everest how things go around here. The team leader, Ryder, stays on the Sea Patroller above with Robo-Dog, incase anything goes awry.

"Wow, being a mer-pup is so cool!" Everest exclaimed as she passed over the giant pearl over to Skye. "Yup yup! It's as fun as it gets! Over to you, Cuz!" Skye yipped as she passed the giant pearl over to Coral. "I got it! I got it- Oof!" Coral failed to retrieve the giant pearl, with it landing beside a certain mer-pup, startling him.

"Sorry Moby, didn't mean to scare you!" Coral apologized to the boy, "Yip yip... Whatever, you and your silly little friends continue." Moby grunted as he put back on his shellphones. "That Moby guy looks pretty un-amused, I thought all mer-pups were always happy and joyful!" Everest exclaimed, Coral shrugged before responding. "He's always been like this, ever since she was long gone." Coral said with a wide grin, earning a confused look from the cockapoo and husky.

Coral paused for a moment, until she started chuckling. The two pups were confused, wondering what was so funny. Coral stops laughing to explain, "You pups don't understand, huh? Moby is trans!" Coral explained with a smile. The two pups understood and giggled, facing eachother. "Oh, that makes more sense!" Skye exclaimed, as she and Everest stopped laughing. "Moby fits him swimmingly!" Everest commented, the three pups look back at Moby, who gives them a small smile. "Thanks, pups. I appreciate it." Moby said before swimming away, "We appreciate you too, Moby!" Coral said as she, Skye and Everest waved 'bye' to the mer-pup.

Zuma and Jett on the other hand were at a different area of Puplantis, talking about their previous owners, Marie and Carl, while also telling eachother what they've missed out on. "Wemembew Apollo the Supew Pup? Thewe's like a whole ton of movies now!" Zuma exclaimed, "Weally!? That's so cool! I really missed out on a lot of cool stuff." Jett commented. "Hey, do you think you can be pawt of the Paw Patwol with us? If so, you can live with us at the Lookout!" Zuma said with a bright smile on his face, Jett hesitated to answer, but she knew she couldn't leave her brother hanging. "I don't know, Zuma. I'm not one to act like a supew hero and do rescues, that's kinda youw thing." Jett replied, Zuma chuckled in response.

"Don't wowwy! As long as you have the will to pwotect those in need, you can be a membew of the Paw Patwol!" Zuma said. Jett did feel the need to protect others, especially Zuma, but she thought that might've just been her big sister instinct. "Well, we'll see, Zuma! We will see." Jett responded, giggling at herself, as Zuma giggled alongside her.

- Meanwhile -

"Arrgh!! Ryder and those pups will pay for what they did!" A pirate, Sid Swashbuckle, yelled. "I agree, Captain Boss Mr. Sid Sir!" A dachshund, Arrby, agreed to Sid's statement. "Arrby! We shall go forth towards Puplantis, those pesky pups will be there, and that is when we take action and take what is ours!" Sid yelled, "Aye aye, Captain Boss Mr. Sid Sir!" Arrby replied, as he grabbed a broom and walked  towards the dock to do his cleaning duties.

Moby, after being reminded of her, went to the surface to get his mind off of things. Moby spots a ship, one that looked like of a pirate ship. Despite the dangers, he starts swimming towards it. His squid pal, McSquiddly, attempts to stop him from going forward, covering Moby's vision with it's tentacles. "Get off, McSquiddly! I just want to go see!!" Moby shouted, a certain dachshund heard this and paused on his cleaning duties to check.

"Ahoy, pup! What are you doing here at sea?" Arrby asked the mer-pup, unaware of his fish tail, as it was submerged in the water, unable to be seen. Moby audibly gasps at the voice and McSquiddly falls of his head, retreating underwater. Moby looks up towards the voice, to see a dachshund, with some sort of pirate attire. "N-Nothing!" Moby stuttered, Arrby looked at him with confusion and went closer to the water. "Hey, do you need help?" Arrby asked innocently.

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