Ferrow Peninsula

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「Chapter 8」

Ferrow and The Copycat reach a beach nearby Pawlopetri, they couldn't get anywhere too close because of the Paw Patrol's security over the large area. "The annoying Paw Patrol, why did they have to take such large safety measures?! How am I supposed to engage this now..." The Copycat whined, spying on the Paw Patrol team patrolling the large area. "What is your plan, Copycat?" Ferrow questioned, nudging the Copycat's shoulder. "I'll cause a forest fire, then the Paw Patrol will be distracted trying to put it out. As I'm doing that, you grab their vehicles and stash them deep down underwater where it cannot be found. After that, you trap them or atleast apprehend them with your tentacles except for Wild, as I will have an epic villain hero conversation with Wild! And don't worry, danger towards Pawlopetri will be highly avoided." The Copycat explained as he paced back and forth of the small area they had.

"Okay, seems reasonable. But there are like... eight of them! I only have five tentacles you know." Ferrow added, The Copycat thought for a moment, "You can make your tentacles larger, right? With larger tentacles you can atleast apprehend two with one!" The Copycat said, "Yeah... But it only becomes larger the farther it is from my main body." Ferrow explained, "Then you attack far underwater. I know you have amazing farsightedness, right? So be clever kitty and do as I say, okay?~" The Copycat replied, holding up Ferrow's chin with his paw, making Ferrow blush. "Y-Yes, Copycat." Ferrow responded, "Good! We'll engage the plan tomorrow morning. So for now, let's lay low." The Copycat said, returning back to spying on the Paw Patrol from afar.

"Wild... My belo- I mean, that Wild." The Copycat muttered, loud enough for Ferrow to hear. "Why do you hate Wild so much?" Ferrow questioned, The Copycat flinched and paused for a moment. "I don't hate him, its just... I don't know." The Copycat said, fidgeting with his paws again like last time. Ferrow got closer to the other tabby and licked his face, "W-Wha?! What was that for?!" The Copycat whisper-yelled, "You looked stressed. I thought it would help, afterall, you did want me to accompany you, right?" Ferrow replied.

"Yeah right... Thanks." The Copycat said, turning his head to the other side. "Your welcome, Copycat." Ferrow said, burrowing his face into The Copycat's neck. "H-Hey... S-Stop it..." The Copycat muttered, Ferrow could tell he was secretly enjoying it. "How about... No? Hehe." Ferrow giggled and walked beside The Copycat with his face still into his neck. "S-Stop... Only Wild can do that..." The Copycat muttered, Ferrow stopped to face The Copycat for a moment. "What? What do you mean only Wild can do that?" Ferrow asked, The Copycat opened his mouth but didn't say anything. The Copycat hid his face out of embarrassment, turning his head again.

"Do you... love Wild?" Ferrow asked, he could feel his heart slightly aching as he said that. "Y-Yeah... It's just so unfair, why did he have to be a Paw Patrol member? Ugh." The Copycat replied, anger filling him as he thought of Wild more. "Oh... I see, did Wild ever love you back?" Ferrow asked, "Yeah, well... Atleast I think so..." The Copycat replied, unsure of what to think. "Ah... Okay. So, this is actually a revenge plan?" Ferrow guessed, "No. It was supposed to be another 'Annoy the Paw Patrol' kind of plan, but now that I involved Wild in it, I don't know anymore..." The Copycat responded, Ferrow nodded and burrowed his face into The Copycat's neck again. "H-Hey... Why are you still...?" The Copycat muttered, confused of Ferrow's actions. "I don't care what you and Wild have going on, but I can't just let myself be the third wheel, can I?" Ferrow replied, "You seriously like forcing yourself into other's lives, huh? You're a feisty one, Catfish." The Copycat said as he intertwined their tails together, well, Ferrow's five tails with The Copycat's tail. Ferrow giggled and continued embracing The Copycat a little longer, tightening their tails together.

- The next day -

Ferrow wakes up and is unable to find The Copycat anywhere, he looks around the area and later finds The Copycat spying on the Paw Patrol again, specifically Wild. "Good morning, Copycat. Staring at him?" Ferrow said, nudging The Copycat's shoulder. "Yeah, he's so handsome...~" The Copycat replied, in his own little fantasy world of Wild. Ferrow was quite jealous but he didn't understood as to why he was jealous, he picked up The Copycat with his tails and pushed him over to the side. "Hey! What was that fo-" The Copycat was silenced from Ferrow's paw, "Shush, he might hear us." Ferrow whispered, he could see the blush on The Copycat's face quickly get shook off. "Whatever, you ready?" The Copycat said as he gets back up, "Ready when you are, Copycat." Ferrow replied, The Copycat nodded and charged up his super speed. "Take care, don't get yourself caught on fire." Ferrow said before The Copycat left, he nodded and swiftly left using his super speed.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2023 ⏰

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