Paw Patrol takes Control

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「Chapter 6」

(Rated 16+ for:  Sexual Imagery/Sexual Jokes/Vulgar Language)

"What?! We have to tell Ryder, immediately!" Yelled Ella.
"The new pup, Isn't Pawlopetri her former home?!" Yelled Shade.
"This is serious! We gotta get to the Lookout!" Yelled Leo.
"It's too far, do we seriously gotta rush there now?!" Yelled Rory.
"It's nighttime, cars will be busy and worst of all, traffic." Said Tuck.
"So are we gonna departure in the morning?" Asked Ella.
"I'm afraid we might." Replied Shade.
"Wild? Do you hear us, buddy?" Asked Rory.
"Are you okay, Wild?" Asked Leo.

Wild gasped for air, he got back to his senses, he felt like he just woke up from a nightmare, when he was really just staring off into the distance. "You okay, Wild? It seems like you're taking a while to process this. Afterall, he spilt it at the most unexpected moment." Tuck said, patting Wild on the back. Wild lifted his head and stared at him, confused.

"Oh, right. He said he'll be there next week on the same day, so we do have time to prepare. I guess..." Wild said, he scratched his neck where The Copycat nuzzled him earlier. "You don't look good, don't feel like driving right now? We can drive to the Lookout in the morning if you want." Rory said, with slight concern on her face. "No, I'm fine. I can drive still, let's go, we can't waste any time." Wild replied, despite his words, his face looked like the very definition of tired.

"You sure, Wild? You look like you can use a cat nap." Leo asked with concern, "I'm fine, Leo. Come on guys, Let's go." Wild replied, revving up the engine to his motorcycle, ready to drive. The others sighed, they knew they couldn't convince Wild to rest no matter how many times they would try, he was determined to get the message to Ryder face to face. The others revved up their vehicles' engine and with Wild leading, they took off towards Adventure Bay.

Adventure City was two hours away from Adventure Bay, but from where they were, the outskirts of Adventure City, it would be three hours instead; And not to mention, the worst obstacle a city driver experiences often, traffic. As soon as they got into the city streets, traffic ensued, and Wild wasn't having it. Wild turned to a corner and the others followed, did Wild know where he was going? No. But did he want to get to the Lookout as soon as possible? Yes.

They came across a dead end, with Wild's quick thinking, he activated his gripper claws and began climbing the brick wall. "Rory, use your tiger pounce to jump up. Shade, use your car's tail to attach to my motorcycle. Leo, use your jeep's jaws and cling itself onto Shade's car. Tuck and Ella, cling onto Leo's jeeps tail, tight. If that doesn't work, Ella, use your super-growth to lift the others up, and afterwards, Rory will bring you up." Wild explained his plan to get everyone up the dead end, they were all suprised by his quick thinking despite looking extremely tired.

They all followed with the plan Wild gave them, ended up using Plan B using Ella's super-growth. They made their way on top of the building, there were numerous buildings and luckily the gaps for alleyways weren't that far of a jump. They rode on the numerous buildings with their vehicles, following Wild's lead. As they finally reached the arch leading and exiting from Adventure City, they made their way down back to the main road. It was still sorta busy, but there wasn't any traffic in their way.

It took them an hour to just get out of Adventure City, and now they have to go through multiple long roads that will eventually lead them to the streets of Adventure Bay. Everyone followed Wild as they all rode through the roads and bridges that forged their path.

Another hour passed, and they were in the woodland area, it won't be long until they reach Adventure Bay. Though, it was way past everyone's bedtime, it being 10:17PM or also read as 22:17. Yeah, you as the reader might be scrolling through TikTok at that time, or binge watching your favorite show, or maybe you are reading this fanfic near that time! Sheesh, you should get your sleep schedule fixed if I'm right. (Ironically, as I'm writing this around 10PM)

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