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Madilyn Maureen rested her head in her hands, leaned against Pollys childhood bedrooms window sill. She looked to Jeff expectantly, having learned he'd gotten signed.

"You don't have to be signed to be a real musician."

"So I could be one if I just take Polly's old keyboard?"

Jeff laughed, Mads reminding him of Polly, though a brown eyed, much more upbeat, and younger version. "Yeah. Just go for it."

Polly shook her head, cursing herself silently for ever replying to Mads and her fathers invitation for her and Jeff to spend Christmas in Syracuse. They hadn't even unpacked yet, and Mads was in her room, grilling them with questions. Though she did so with positive intent.

Floyd was not yet back from work, and Polly couldn't deny being nervous- she hadn't seen him for at least two, maybe three years, but having phone calls semi frequently to update each other on their lives.

Though on the second floor, the three could hear his Chevys loud engine pull into the driveway. They made their way downstairs to greet him, Jeff hanging back slightly so Polly could have her reunion.

Floyd had the same eyes as Mads, almost the same face. But when he grinned upon seeing his daughter, it was apparent where Polly got her sweet smile. First, he shook Jeff's hand, though quickly giving him a small hug.

There was nothing condescending about him, he invited Jeff to help him with dinner, asking whole-hearted questions about his music, his life.

Jeff was honest with Floyd because he didn't seem to care about his rootless upbringing of moving city to city, or his heart that was set on music. He didn't bring up Tim, even though according to Polly he was a fan.

"She's so happy." Floyd said suddenly, looking into the living room where Polly sat with Mads. He had a satisfied smile on his face, having finally got peace of mind that his daughter was doing good, just like she deserved.

"Yeah." Jeff nodded. "She is."

"It's good to see." Floyd said, knowing he could've said much more, but left it at that. He was much more than content, he would finally be able to sleep soundly knowing his eldest daughter was happy in her life.

Though she was no longer his little girl that he taught piano and took fishing against her will- he still wanted to protect her. But he also realized that he didn't need to do that, that Jeff wouldn't ever hurt her. From their simple conversations, he could tell how much he loved her. From the way his eyes were drowned with love when he looked her way to how he talked to and about her.

The one wish he ever had as a dad was being fulfilled. The wish being that his daughters would be happy, and loved the same way they loved.


Polly had left her childhood homes phone number with Steve, as a possible promotion was in order for her. Well, not really a promotion. It was to be an actual A&R coordinator, no longer unofficially tagging along to shows and giving honest opinions to actual music scouts. She'd be the music scout.

After dinner, Jeff and Polly made their way up to her room, Jeff poking through her old records and yearbooks, laughing whenever he spotted her. It was bittersweet to see how intact her room was, her Dad never letting her Mother change a thing. Photos of her smiling with high school friends were still stuck on the walls, accompanying posters and images cut from zines.

The phone rang, interrupting the pairs quiet conversation, Polly jumped up from her spot on her bed, answering the phone. "Hello?"

"Sorry to call this late," Steve's voice rang out into her ear, putting an even wider smile on her face. "I have good news..." he trailed off, voice having a slight hesitance in it.

"What is it?" She asked excitedly, Jeff staring up at her through long eyelashes. She turned away from him, his gaze too distracting.

Once again he hesitated. "You have the job if you want it. But, we don't have enough room in the New York office." He grimaced at his words, knowing how Polly would thrive in the position, but also knowing how dearly she loved the city.

"What do you mean?" Polly twirled the phone cord around her finger nervously, pacing slightly at what his words indicated.

"You'd have to move." Her boss stated, "to the west coast."

Her face fell fully. "Fuck." She said, forgetting who she was talking to.

"I know." Steve agreed sadly.

Polly barely had to think about what she told him next as she turned to look at Jeff, still looking at her with the upmost love in his eyes. "I'm not gonna do it."

"I didn't think so. Just thought I'd let you know." He responded, knowing the main reason that she denied it was for Jeff. "Hey, merry Christmas." He wished her.

"Yeah." Polly said, her choice dawning on her. It wasn't a big deal, but a missed opportunity just always stung at the thoughts of what could be. "Yeah, merry Christmas."

But when she laid back down next to Jeff, her worries flew out the window with his touch. All she needed was in front of her.

"What was that?" Jeff asked, confused with her parts of the conversation she heard.

"I was offered an A&R job."

"That's great!" He said excitedly, sitting up.

"I didn't take it," she smiled sadly at him, kissing him softly.

Jeff's face fell, "what, why not?"

Polly sighed slightly. "I'd have to move." She paused. "I don't wanna ever leave here. Leave you."

Despite feeling guilty for being one of the reasons Polly denied the offer, her words brought a smile to his face

She doesn't ever wanna leave me, were the words echoing through his mind as he pulled her body closer to his from behind, placing a single kiss on her shoulder. He wished the feeling would last forever. The feeling of being that loved and wanted, and as long as he was with her-

He always would be.


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