Chapter 34

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Esmera's hearing had returned to its full strength

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Esmera's hearing had returned to its full strength. That could be the only reason why a small thump on the balcony outside her bedroom roused her from the deep, peaceful sleep she had forgotten how to experience.

She had never felt this safe, not before Stephan and certainly not after. For the first time, she knew someone who was looking out for her and meant his promises.

But Esmera no longer felt so safe when another tap sounded from the balcony, made louder by the silent night. She propped herself up on her elbow, frowning at the clock on her nightstand. It was 01:18. Nobody in the house woke up this early or stayed up this late.

Which meant that whoever was outside her room wasn't one of her housemates but likely someone who sought to defeat them.

Esmera covered her mouth to muffle her squeal even though it would've been too soft for anyone without auditory powers to hear anyway.

How had her and Tauram's location been found out? Had someone betrayed them?

Esmera slipped out of bed and tiptoed to the glass doors leading out to the balcony. She split the silk curtains a crack's width apart and peered between them. Now awake as well, Jammas swooped down from his nest at the top of the wardrobe and took up his favourite place on Esmera's head.

Tauram was outside, kneeling and stroking Lundas's head. He was beautiful by night, a figure from a fable etched in moonlight. For a moment, Esmera smiled to herself, resting her head against the wall like a teenager with a crush. Only when she heard his words did she frown.

"You ready, boy?" he asked.

Esmera opened the door and stepped outside. The cold night brushed against her. She suppressed a shiver, running her hands down her arms to banish her goosebumps as she asked, "Ready for what?"

Tauram and Lundas both looked up at Esmera, startled. When the prince's dark eyes rested on her chest, she realised how low-cut her nightdress was, and as bad, how short it was. She folded her arms, as much for decency as to warm herself, and Tauram's eyes returned to hers.

Esmera's brow furrowed. "Are you going somewhere, Tauram?"

The prince lowered his gaze to Lundas, stroking the clouded leopard's silvery fur. It was ludicrous to be going anywhere at this late hour. That must be what made Tauram so reluctant to answer Esmera. She could almost see the reply flitting about his mind.

I think we're getting off-topic.

He let out a breath. "No, I'm just going to bed."

Esmera narrowed her eyes. Instead of evading her as he had done before, he had lied to her instead.

She took in his tunic, the coat that shielded him from the night's coolness, and the boots that were made for hiking mountains, not crossing bedrooms. "Is that why you're all dressed up? To go to bed?"

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