Chapter 47

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Content warning: this chapter contains mild gore and allusions to miscarriages as well as physical and emotional abuse, which might be triggering for some readers. Please proceed with caution. Thanks for reading 💜

The day was fading into night by the time Esmera, Tauram, and Anjarah had descended into the valley

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The day was fading into night by the time Esmera, Tauram, and Anjarah had descended into the valley. All around them were shadows taking the opportunity to frolic before the stars and moon came out to compete with them. The darkening sky above was like a crack between the jagged peaks surrounding them.

Esmera thought Jammas had fallen asleep in her hair until he rustled in her curls. She reached up to pat his head, as much to comfort him as herself, and he rewarded her with an affectionate peck.

Esmera perched on the edge of a rock to catch her breath while Anjarah surveyed their surroundings for the legend she knew best out of all of them, Samier at attention beside her ankles. Tauram rested beside Esmera, close enough for her to be aware of him, to frustrate her because of the glaring gap he left between their arms. Lundas draped himself over his feet, a real-life hot water bottle.

Esmera smiled down at the clouded leopard as she pulled her shawl tighter around her, imagining how warm he must be. He purred up at her, and, as if he had read her thoughts, he stretched out across her feet too.

She sighed. She could get used to this sort of comfort.

Lundas had hated her, once, but he seemed to have softened toward her. Maybe it was because Samier gave him someone to hate more than Esmera. Maybe it was because he was getting used to her.

The thought warmed her heart. Before she could get too caught up in it, she looked up from the miniature cat and gazed around them at the rocks and plants and shadows surrounding them.

Esmera had resigned herself to not finding Zaha today and possibly resuming the search for her and Nuredir the next day when a large, silvery shadow stirred on a rocky ledge just off to the side of them.

Esmera started, tensing to flee in case the muscular big cat should decide to pounce even though she knew she probably wouldn't be able to outrun it. When the cat remained where she was, simply casting a calm gaze in Esmera and her friends' direction, and Samier and Lundas maintained their positions as well, she took that as a good sign and relaxed.

Esmera had seen snow leopards on TV enough times to recognise one in the flesh, with its patchy dark spots and all the shimmering, silver-grey shades of its coat.

But something about this particular leopard sent shivers through her. She held her arms around herself to banish the chill. She stood, determined to keep looking, but Anjarah gestured at the snow leopard as it crossed up onto a higher ledge, watching them as if willing them to follow.

"Let's go!"

"That's Zaha?" Esmera frowned up at the beautiful cat.

Anjarah nodded, her bun bobbing. "Her all-white eyes make her instantly recognisable."

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