Author's Note

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After over two years, The Whispers of Petals is complete! When I first started this story, I honestly had no idea what it would grow into or the world that would come out of it.

If you've stuck with me since the beginning, thank you so much! I can't describe how much I appreciate you. If you only discovered the story later on in its journey, thank you for following it to the end! Your support has kept me going with this story through some very difficult times.

Although TWoP has ended, Milatanur is about to get a whole lot bigger! I had originally intended for this story to be a standalone about Esmera and Tauram putting their lives back together, but it has since become a series, which I think is understandable given how many other lives fell apart during the course of this tale.

On that note, I hope to pursue self-publishing with this book and the entire series to follow. I love Wattpad, and I will continue to write on the platform, but I think it's time for me to explore the world of publishing outside of it. Please keep this book in your library if you would like updates regarding this!

From all you wonderful readers, I have a few things to ask of you.

Firstly, are there any parts of the story that dragged to you or that didn't feel consistent? Feel free to mention them here so I can work on them when I return to rewrite this story!

Secondly, what sort of TWoP themed merch would you be interested in? This is something else I'm looking into, and I'd love to know what my audience would be keen on!

Thirdly, what sorts of content or extras would you be interested in? I was considering starting a Patreon to help support myself and this series as I work to publish it, so I'd love to know what sorts of exclusives or perks you would like to receive.

Fourthly (and lastly, I promise), I'm so excited to invite you to join the discord server exclusively for fans of TWoP! If you just want some fellow readers to chat with
or if you want to keep up to date with the series, please go ahead and join the Sorcerers of Milatanur server! Please PM me for the link.

I adore this world and its characters, and as excited as I am to mark this first book complete, I can't wait to see what's in store for this series and share it with you!

Kara xx

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