Chapter 64

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Esmera and Tauram both froze against each other, sharing an alarmed look

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Esmera and Tauram both froze against each other, sharing an alarmed look. This was his palace now, no longer the most dangerous place for them both but probably one of the safest, but that was a truth that hadn't yet begun to sink in for Esmera, and certainly not for Tauram if the way he straightened and fixed his eyes on the door was any indication.

The knock rapped against the wooden barrier between Esmera and Tauram and the rest of the palace again, somehow firmer as if determined not to be ignored.

Lundas stirred where he had made himself comfortable at the bottom of the bed. Jammas rustled where he stood perched on the curtain rail.

Tauram swallowed and took a moment to dry his eyes and gather himself. In the meantime, Esmera snatched up a silken robe that had been thoughtfully draped over the edge of the bed for her. It was the colour of pale pink rose petals with tiger's eyes embroidered on it with bronze thread. It felt like luxury as it slid over Esmera's skin with little more than a swish. Tauram watched her slip it on.

Only when she had tied its belt firmly around her waist did Tauram clear his throat. "Come in," he called, his voice so steady it seemed impossible that he had been shattering in Esmera's arms just a moment ago.

The door swung open, and Princess Kerani stuck her head around it while the scarlet fabric of her outfit fluttered around her. After looking between Tauram and Esmera, she smiled at Esmera. "It's nice to see that you're alive. You too, Bhā'i." Princess Kerani's eyes twinkled with mischief as she turned to her brother, but there was no mistaking the gentle adoration in her smile.

Tauram's eyes went soft, probably at the fact that his little sister had survived her entanglement with the most wicked man they knew and was now free.

That much was clear to see. She was as beautiful as Esmera remembered, but there was a glow in her smile, in her eyes, even in her skin that Ruagu had tarnished every time he came into contact with her. Esmera was glad he was gone. She was glad he would never get to hurt Kerani or anyone else ever again.

"I can say the same about you, Kerani." Despite the emotions pulling at Tauram's mouth, it quirked with his familiar humour. "Now, what do you want? I'm sure you didn't pay me and Esmera a visit just to say you're glad that we survived."

Princess Kerani pouted. "How can you say such a thing?"

Tauram raised his dark eyebrows. "Because I've known you since you were a newborn batting your eyes at me so I would pick you up and carry you through the garden while teaching you the name of every bird that flew overhead."

The princess giggled. Her face illuminated with a childlike light, and Esmera could see exactly what about her must've charmed Tauram and even Namesha and Danshan. "That's a lie!"

"No, only a slight exaggeration." Tauram smirked.

"As if you were any less of a demanding baby." Princess Kerani rolled her eyes.

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