Chapter 51

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Content warning: this chapter contains references to physical and emotional abuse that occurred earlier in Esmera's life. It is somewhat consistent with what was described earlier in this story. Please read with caution if you're sensitive to this kind of content. Thanks for your support 💜

The conservatory formed a box topped by a solid ceiling and walled in by glass panes that showed Esmera the night

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The conservatory formed a box topped by a solid ceiling and walled in by glass panes that showed Esmera the night. The stars, brighter than the fairy lights overhead, were all there was in her world other than the plate of grilled cheese on her lap and Tauram, sitting beside her with his shoulder pressed against hers.

Lundas sauntered inside, peering around the bookshelf at Esmera and Tauram with a small rodent in his mouth. A thick worm dangling from his beak, Jammas sat on the wildcat's head the way he usually did on Esmera's. She tried not to feel a twinge of jealousy and instead focused on the heart-warming fact that the two familiars had grown close enough to go hunting together.

Seemingly thinking better of squeezing himself into Esmera and Tauram's cramped pillow fort, Lundas skulked away, taking Jammas with him.

Esmera looked after them until they vanished out of the conservatory and into the sitting room. "So, it looks like our familiars are friends now."

Tauram grinned. "It would seem so. I must say, I've never seen Lundas befriend a bird in the entire time I've known him. Your Jammas must be very charming."

"I wouldn't expect anything less from a lark who brings glittering gems and whispering flowers to his oblivious sorcerer." Esmera smiled.

That had been the event that kicked off her adventure in Milatanur. Jammas was charming, but he was more than that. He was loving, persistent, adorable and innovative, just to name a few of the qualities Esmera had picked up on since meeting him.

Tauram took a sip of litchi juice and set his glass back on the tray beside him with a clink. "Esmera, I wanted to ask you something."

"Yeah?" She glanced at him before turning away, taking another bite of her sandwich and doing her best not to think about the warmth of his arm where it pressed against hers or the finger that traced along the patterned edge of his plate just an inch away from her thigh.

"You know a lot about me."

Esmera sensed Tauram's gaze on her without needing to see it for herself.

"You know about how I was banished, and you even met my sister, but I don't know much about you before you came to Milatanur. Except for the bit about you being a barista." He tapped his nails on his plate, and they pitter-pattered like raindrops.

"Tauram." She faced him, managing a wry smile. "You know more about me than I do about myself. You met my family. You know first-hand every prophecy about me. I can barely say that I do."

"I want to know more, Esmera." The fairy lights were like stars in his dark, narrow eyes. "I want to know how you survived in Arkōsāra on your own for so many years. I couldn't have done it if I didn't have Belaren with me."

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