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Some old wound never truly heals,
And bleed again at the slightest


Jungkook was sitting in his living room with an irritated face. It was 7 in the evening and tae didn't returned yet. As the time was passing his patience was running thin. He snap his head towards the entrance door when he heard foot steps.

"What took you so long?" He asked to tae who has his head lowered. Tae stopped in his track.

"I am sorry." Tae muttured lowly.

"What, sorry. Taehyung where were you huh. Don't you remember we had an important meeting. This is how you work, and didn't I mentioned in the contract that you can't be in a relationship until the contract ends." Jungkook spoke in a stern voice but he got no response from younger.

"Taehyung, I am talking to you. Neither you were picking my calls nor you are answering me. How the fuck can you leave like this without informing me." Jungkook raised his voice as he didn't got any response.

But again tae stayed quite as his head was hanged low.

"Great, I guess meeting your girlfriend was more important then my meeting, RIGHT."  He shouted the last part making tae snap his head towards him.

Jungkook was stunned for some seconds as he saw the blood shot eyes of younger.

"She isn't my girlfriend, SHE IS MY SISTER, MY REAL SISTER." Tae shouted having enough of this person.

"Sister?" Jungkook spoke in a tiny voice. That's when he noticed there were redness on tae's right cheeks.

"She was in a danger, my sister is more important for me then that meeting." Tae spoke gritting his teeths, as he wiped the single tear that left from his eyes. He walked on the stairs and went to his room shutting the door with a loud thud.

"Sister? It was his sister, and I was...I was shouting on him because he went to save his own sister. Such a bad human I am." Jungkook spoke to himself as guilt crawled in him.

"I should have asked him what was the matter before shouting. Now what, is he going to stop talking to me or what?" He asked to himself.

"I should do something and ask for forgiveness, Because it was my fault." Jungkook thought to himself.


Tae was curled on bed as tears slipped from his eyes. The scene of everything flashing infront of his eyes. Not just recents scenes but the flashbacks of his childhood. He slightly flinched when there was soft knock on tae's room door.

Jungkook stood outside patiently as he softly knocked on the door.

"What?" Tae asked from inside.

"Can I come in?" Jungkook asked trying to sound soft.

"Yeah, the door is open." Tae replied as he whipped his tears and sat on the bed properly. Jungkook pushed the door and entered Inside silently.

"Umm the dinner-" he was cut off by tae.

"Yeah, I will make it."" Tae spoke as he put his feets on the floor wearing his slippers.

"No no, I already made it. Just come and have it." Jungkook spoke making tae look at him with disbelief written on his face.

"You made dinner?" Tae asked.

"Yeah, I know how to cook." Jungkook spoke with a small smile, tae hummed and sat back in the bed.

"Then go ahead, I am not hungry." Tae spoke making Jungkook sigh.

"You didn't even had your lunch, atleast eat the dinner." He tried to convince other.

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