not a chapter...

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Hello everyone...

This is not a chapter, but I wanna talk about something here. It's related to the story only. I got some comments yesterday, which made me disturbed and were messing my mind from the time I saw them.

The comment was the story is a taekook FF but, it's all about Irene.

Now, I really wanna ask, among all the 65 chapters didn't I write taekook moments? And if you think I didn't, why don't you suggest me some taekook moments then? I will be very honest, someone might get hurt by my words but I truly want to say this. And want you all know I am a human too.

Being a writer isn't that easy that it looks like, coming up with new ideas for many stories isn't that way. You might think, what is it so hard to write a chapter. But it takes a lot of time and energy, I write all the chapters of more than 1000 words.

And it still looks less for you all, some readers tell me how short that chapter is. Do you think writing two story chapters with a totally different concept, on the same day is too easy. There are times when I write a whole paragraph and erase it, cause it isn't that good.

There are times when I don't feel like writing but I still write cause I know you all are waiting for me to update.

You all say my stories lift up your moods, ok I am glad to know I can make you happy. But do you know your comments affects me too.

Seeing good comments makes my mood bright, but if I see comments like this. It makes me tense, you said this is disappointing to you how the story is all about Irene and not taekook.

Than let me say, I am disappointed as well. Cause many people never comments about how good the chapter was, but will surely tell how it have mistakes and how I am not writing the chapters as u should, or how the chapters are short.

Do you know I have a life too, I have to do house chores too, I have too study too. You can't write a one or two line comment but really expect me to write 5,000+ words chapters. Wow!! That's not fair.

I am not talking about those who took out their precious time and comment on almost all the paragraph about what they feel. I am talking about them, who will just read the chapters and skip to next one. But will surely comment if they aren't satisfied with the chapter.

I mean ok, fine. I accept that there are times when you won't like the chapter, or would have expected more but didn't got to read that. I am fine with those comments too, only if you can appreciate me for my hard work with the chapter reaches your expectations.

And please don't say I should ignore them, because I am done ignoring this. There are times when I am in bad mood and opens the app to see my dear readers comments to lift my mood and when I see these type of comments it's worsen my mood and I will be than thinking about this the whole time. I am a very sensitive person, and I always takes this type of things way too much to my heart.

I don't want to anyone or doesn't mean to insult you or something. I just wanted to tell you all my point of view. Cause you should know how much a simple word can affect someone whole day.

This is the biggest reason I prefer ending my stories quickly. So it won't look stretched. Writing all about taekook isn't easy too, if there are other characters I have to give them a bit part in the story too. A person who is leaving with the main characters can't be ignored fully.

Secondly, if you want to read just taekook based stories. Than you can read we made it, or berry bear's prince charming, or I am always here. All this stories are mostly revolving around taekook. But I can't just write all about taekook in 65 or 66 chapters.

Talking about the story, I am extremely sorry that I am not able to reach the expectations. And I am sorry, cause I can't change the story line as well. But don't worry the story will end soon, and than I hope you will like and enjoy the upcoming stories.


Yeah talking about CAPTAIN JEON story. Yeah, I know there many story with this title.

But the story I will write will be fully based on my own imagination. I had read one of the stories with the same title and it is totally different frok what I am going to write. I hope you all would like that, and if you want I would just drop the story and won't write it.

Love you alll....

I hope I didn't have hurt you, but it was necessary for me to write my thoughts cause they were really disturbing my mind.

Thank you....

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