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You will never know how truly damaged a person is, until you try to love them~~


A week later.

It's been a week enuwoo and seo jun became boyfriends again, they both were very happy and the happiest was Jungkook. Seeing his best friend all lively and happy made him happy too. Enuwoo is that friend to him whose pain hurts him and whose happiness makes him happy.

Mi Kyung has returned back to Busan, just after two days of her arrival. Basically she just came to meet her grandson's boyfriend. Today is Sunday again, after having breakfast tae and kook both were settled on different couches. Tae is doing some work on his laptop while Jungkook is playing some mobile games.

Tae has his whole focus on the screen, but he got interputed when his phone ringed. Seeing the caller id he gulped, receiving the call from shaking hands he walked far from Jungkook so other won't hear him.

Returning back after few minutes tae settled on his place back. But his condition was changed, there were some drops of sweat on his forehead as his hands were shaking a little. He was trying to gather the courage to talk to Jungkook who noticed that there were changes in tae's behaviour after attending the call but he acted he didn't saw anything.

"Ahm, Jungkook." Tae called Jungkook just hummed.

"Can- ab... Can I get my extra salary today only." Tae asked with hesitation. Jungkook looked at him for some seconds and nodded.

"I will transfer it to your account." He spoke taking his phone making tae panick.

"No no can you give it in cash, now." Tae spoke being nervous what if Jungkook ask the reason for the sudden need of cash. But he sighed in relief when Jungkook nodded and walked to him room.

He came back and handled tae the extra amount which he is paying tae for being his fake boyfriend. Tae gave him a small smile. Taking the envelope of money, he walked in his room. Jungkook just sat back in couch. After changing his clothes tae came out and started to leave.

"I will be back soon." Tae spoke and walk out of the house. As soon as the door closed Jungkook looked up from his phone.

"I know I shouldn't be following you. But I can't stop my curious self. I know you won't tell me, but I will know what is wrong with you at any cost. Even it means I have to stalk you." Jungkook mumbled to himself as he quickly went to his room changing his clothes to the most casual wear, he wore a black cap and a mask. He came out of the house and joggeda little to the left where he saw tae going from his room before changing.

He followed tae from al little far so tae won't get suspicious. There were times when tae felt that there was someone following him. He stopped and looked back but Jungkook was always quick to hide behind anything. Finally they entered in a society filled with medium sized raw houses.

Jungkook was confused as why tae is coming here. While tae started to feel scared, tae's eyes widen when he reached near a house and a man was dragging her sister out from the house. He ran towards them and tried to free irene's hand from the man's hold.

Jungkook stopped near the house and his behind a big tree hearing and watching.

"Please leave her." Tae begged trying to free irene's hand.

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