part 3

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                                                                                     Stefania's POV
It's been about four weeks since I decided to leave my husband. Two weeks ago, I started a job at as a receptionist at a gym around the corner. The good thing about this job is that it had a daycare in it so I could be close to Lucy if anything were to happen. I'm still scared that at any moment Marcos will come and try and take Lucy from me. That's my biggest fear. Even though I haven't gotten a call back from the detective on whether or not he's been released. That doesn't change the fact that when he does get out, he will most definitely come looking for us.

As I was getting ready to cook me and Lucy some dinner when my phone started ringing. I normally don't answer any phone calls from numbers I don't have saved but in this particular situation I did. It could be the detective or something involving my husband.


****: Hi... Please tell me this is stefania spampinato from Italy! (The voice on the other end said in a pleading voice.)

Stefania:yes it is... who's this I'm sorry?( I said trying to figure out who was on the other end)

***: OMG!! Yes I finally found you!! I've been looking for you for weeks!

Stefania: If you don't tell me who this is I'm hanging up and blocking your number.(I said a little scared.)

***:No!! It's me it's Angelo. Angelo Rossi... Your manager...

Stefania: Omg Angelo it's been years! How are you? ( Finally realizing who it was.)

Angelo: yes it's been what 4 years?  I've been good working like crazy!You changed your number and I didn't know how to contact you so I went kind of stalker mode trying to find you! How are you?

Stefania: I'm sorry for changing my number without letting you know Angelo. Some things happend and I... Yea sorry( I said not wanting to go into full detail.)

Angelo: Don't worry stef I understand. How's life? Last I heard you were married.( He asked the dreaded question.)

Stefania: life has been... Interesting to say the least (I said with a little chuckle.) I'm unfortunately still married but I do have a baby her name is Lucy.

Angelo: Aww cute!! Lucy!.... Wait you said unfortunately. Don't you mean fortunately?(he asked confused)

Stefania: no.. i mean unfortunately. It's a long story I'll tell you later with more time. What can I help you with? I doubt you only called to catch up ( I said with a little laugh)

Angelo: well to your surprise I did call to catch up. But I also have a job offer...

Stefania: Oh no Angelo my acting, modeling and dancing days are over. Right now I'm in a situation where I can't be depending on a job where the most I could possibly get would be 2 episodes or a background actor with little to no lines. I have a child I need to think about.( I said going off while I was trying to feed Lucy)

Angelo: look I understand but this job is for a really big show in LA. It's called grey's anatomy. They not only wanting an Italian Actress but need someone who speaks fluent Italian. Also, this role is for their spinoff show called station 19 so not only one show but two. You're the first person I thought would be perfect for this job! Please Stef you need to do this virtual interview with the producer. (He said almost pleading)

Stefania: Ahh ok fine... but only because I owe you for changing my number without letting you know. When is the day for the interview?

Angelo: YES!! (He Screamed into the phone) Thanks Stefania!! Anyway... I went ahead and took the liberty of booking your interview with the producer tomorrow at 10 am!

Stefania: wait you booked an appointment for me without even knowing my number? (I asked confused)

Angelo: Hints why I went stalker mode trying to find you! By the way... When you get this job, which I I'm confident you will, you will need to move to Los Angeles. (He said a little hesitant)

Stefania: Angelo... I don't know if I could do this. Lucy's life is here in New York. (I said rubbing my forehead.) I haven't even been to LA myself let alone move there with my kid without having a place to go or anyone I know. 

Angelo: Stefania breath... (He said with a light chuckle.) When you get the job I'll be sure to look for a place for you myself.  But listen... I don't mean to be nosey or anything but you did said unfortunately when I mentioned your husband. Maybe you need a change. Maybe this could be the change you need. Please just think about it? Do the interview?

Stefania:Fine. I'll do the interview. Thanks Angelo. I'll call you tomorrow?

Angelo:Yes call me as soon as you get the part. Love you. Mean it. And hey I missed you.

Stefania: love you and miss you too. Thanks for sticking with me.( I said with. Smile.)

Angelo: I always stick with my best clients. Talk to you tomorrow.

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