Part 7

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                                                                                              Stefania's POV

Last Night was the same as usual. Same nightmares of my soon to be ex-husband coming back.  I learned to get used to the nightmares and except that they are probably going to be a part of my life. Some nights I prefer not to sleep at all just to save me the scares. On top of that Lucy also had a hard night. I assume that she didn't sleep because of the time change. She finally fell asleep around 5:30 so I just decided to stay up and answer some emails. I was answering an email from another producer when I got a notification on my phone. I grabbed my phone to check the notification. It was Danielle following me on Instagram. A huge smile instantly appeared on my face. I don't know what it is about Danielle but there is something about her that just makes me smile. I opened Instagram and followed her back. I scrolled through her page before I got a Message.

Danielle: Hey did I wake you? I'm so sorry if I did.

Stefania: Hi Bella. No, you didn't wake me. I've been up for about an hour. I'm Just answering some emails and drinking coffee. why are you up? Everything ok?

Danielle: You are drinking coffee at 5:30 am? no wonder you can't sleep! psychopath 😂. I usually start my work out early.

Stefania: You are forgetting I am Italian. We live on coffee. You on the other hand wake up before the sun to work out Voluntarily and I'm the psychopath 😅?

Danielle: well, when you put it that way lol.... How's Lucy?

Stefania: Finally asleep. Shes been up every half an hour. I'm guessing it's the time change.

Danielle: Damn so you really haven't slept. 

Stefania: Ah I got an hour or so. I'm used to it so not sleeping really doesn't affect me anymore.

Danielle: What do you mean? Why don't you sleep?

Stefania: having a child would do that to you 😅 

Danielle: You know I'm here if you need to talk. I know we just met but you can talk to me if you need to just vent. I know you are going through a divorce and I'm pretty sure that has to be hard. Not that I have ever been through a divorce, but my parents did divorce when I was younger, and it was really hard on my mom. I couldn't imagine going through a divorce let alone be a single parent. Just know that you are not alone. I got you.❤️

Stefania: Thankyou Bella. I really appreciate you. I'm ok. Trust me when I say I'm much better now. But same goes for you. If you ever need talk, I'll be here always.💕

Danielle: Thanks. Well, I should let you get back to your emails and I should go get this workout over with. I'll call you when I'm on my way to pick you guys up?

Stefania: Sounds good. Talk to you later. Thank you again. ciao Bella.

After that conversation with Danielle  I went ahead and got in the shower before Lucy woke up again. After my shower I went ahead and dried my hair  and did lose cruls. Once I was done I went ahead and made Lucy's bottle and went to wake her up since it's almost 8. After getting her ready I made my self my what I'm assuming is my third cup of coffee for the day. I lost count honestly. I was in the middle finishing up my coffee when I got a text from Danielle.

Danielle: Hey! I'm like 7 min away. I'll be there soon.❤

Stefania: Sounds good Bella we are ready.

I quickly grabbed Lucy and held her while I got her bag. When I went to put her in her car seat, she decided it was the perfect time to spit up all over herself and me.

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