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Today's rant will be about..........THE EVIL OF PING PONG BALLS(no dirty thoughts plz).

As a person, I thought that ping pong balls were just harmless small plastic objects.I WAS VERY VERY VERY WRONG!
Fellow cupcakes, I have made a revelation. PING PONG BALLS ARE EVIL. THEY HOLD THE SECRET TO DEATH AND DESTRUCTION!!!!!!!!!!!
How do I know this, you may ask? Gather around the fire, my cupcakes, and I will tell you how I figured out the truth behind those annoying balls of plastic.

Once upon a time, when humans were still the ignorant dumbasses that did not know shit, I was on my way to the ping pong area, escorted by my best friend and the rest of the P.E class. It was a terribly hot day, with the sun beating down on our faces, which made us sweat alot. I was expecting another fun day of playing physical sports, so naturally, I was excited and hyper. What a naive person I was. The ping pong game that we had to play was a DISASTER. Every single time my friend hit the ball towards me, it would fly in the other direction. When I tried to hit it with my racket, it always,mysteriously, flew away. I got more frustrated by the second, until finally, when i was running towards that annoying plastic ball, I accidentaly crushed it under my foot. The other one was EVEN MORE ANNOYING. It did not even get hit. It was just flying around and injuring people. At that moment, I KNEW THE TRUTH. Those annoying, small, plastic, orange and white balls of bullshit WERE SENT FROM HELL.Satan himself had sent them to Planet Earth to destroy and ruin humanity as we know it. They cleverly disguised themselves as instruments used in sport games to trick and fool the entire human race! They have been fooling us for millions of years as harmless objects! But now I know the truth! WE MUST EXTERMINATE THESE DEMONIC CREATURES BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE!!!!!! BEWARE THE RATH OF THE PING PONG BALLS!!!!!! BEWARE!!!!!!
So, now you know the truth, my dear cupcakes. Please, do all you can to exterminate them, before it is too late. It is time for me to leave now. Remember my warning, my cupcakes. Always remember.......
(*disappears in a flash of light*)

HEY HEY HEY!!!! So, did ya like it? I know the first one might have been bad, but I really do hope that u enjoy this one! Remember to

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