home is where you are

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"Hm... Jennie?" Rosé said with a sleepy voice as she picked up the phone, hinting she was sleeping a while ago.

"Hello, my love!" The other responded very happily, "Oh, I'm sorry. Did I wake you?"

She stretched her arms before responding, "No, I was just having a nap, that's all."

She also heard some loud honking and traffic noises, hinting that the brunette might have been outside.

"What are you doing right now?" The younger girl asked curiously.

"Oh." The older girl paused, "Just having dinner! That's all..." She responded quickly, chuckling nervously after.

Rosé heard Jennie slamming perhaps a car door. As well as talking to someone and a loud ruckus after.

"I see... What dinner are you eating?" The blonde wanted to test her, seeing if she was being honest or not.

"Uh– McDonalds?" Jennie said.

"But, you never liked McDonald's? In fact, you hate them."

She heard some silence and then a car engine.

"Well at this Mcdonalds I do!" She stated, another nervous chuckle leaving her mouth.

Rosé's suspicions grew even more.

Before she could ask another question, Jennie quickly interrupted her.

"So, did you miss me?" The brunette asked cheekily. Rosé can even imagine her smirk through the phone.

She sighed sadly, "You know I do, love." She got up and walked to the window. "I wish you were here."

"Yeah? Tell me how much." Jennie asked quietly.

Rosé slid down to the floor, right by the window before she started. "Well, I know you know I've been wearing your sweaters since they smell and remind me of you."

"I started to sleep on your side of the bed because it helps me sleep at night..."

"Wow, someone's obsessed." The brunette jokingly said, hiding the fact that she loves this side of her wife. Knowing that she missed her a lot gave her a lot of love in her heart.

"Shut up. I know you'd do the same, and maybe even more." She said as she received another laugh that she loves so much.

"I have something to confess too..." Jennie whispered.

"Oh? What is it?"

"Every night I stare at our wedding ring on my hand, it reminds me of all the memories we shared." She confessed.

"And I mean all the memories. Even the ones we shared when we were kids..."

"Wow, we came a long way, haven't we?" Rosé smiled as she starts to reminisce the memories she had with Jennie ever since they were little.

"Yeah, we have. And I'm so glad where it got us now."

Rosé sighed again. Feeling a bit sadder about missing Jennie ever since they started this conversation.

"I really do miss you, Jennie."

"Well lucky for you baby, look out the window."

Immediately, Rosé stood up and looked out the window. Finding her beautiful wife already staring and waving at her.

She quickly ran to the front door, already finding Jennie running up to her with open arms.

At last, they were back in each others arms.

Hugging each other as if they spent years without each other, but in reality it only has been a few weeks.

Nevertheless, they missed each other so much.

Rosé buried her face into Jennie's shoulder, breathing in her scent.

"You're home..." She pulled back, looking into the brunette eyes with a tearful yet happy look.

"Home is wherever you are, Rosie." Jennie smiled tearfully as she leaned in for a kiss.

"I love you, more than you'll ever know." She leaned in for another hug, hearing Rosé muttering an I love you in the crook of her neck.

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