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The Hudson-Hummel Home

Lima Ohio

Kurt Hummel was preparing a nice meal for him and his boyfriend's date night. He held his phone to his ear as he stirred the Fettuccine Alfredo.

"Uh huh, listen, dad, I got to go. Blaine's gonna be here soon."

"Okay, just call me if you need anything, alright?"

"Will do, have fun with Carole. Love you." Kurt hung up, slipped his phone into his pocket, and turned off the stove.

Beep Beep!

He reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone, a text from Blaine.

Blaine: I'm on my way, I just had to make a quick stop

Kurt was about to reply before he heard a loud BAM! The loud noise caused Kurt to fall to the floor, and two masked men walked inside!

"Get him!" One of them said, Kurt quickly grabbed his phone, and ran upstairs to his bedroom and locked the door.

He pulled out his phone to call Blaine; he had to warn him. After a few rings, he heard Blaine's voice on the other line.

"Hi Kurt, I'm sorry I'm running a little late-"

"Blaine, don't come here!" Kurt exclaimed in a whisper.

"What? But I'm almost there."

"Blaine, there's these guys in my house. I think they're after me because they said, "get him!" I'm calling the police but do not come here!" Kurt said and then hung up and dialed 911.

"911, what's your emergency?" A young female dispatcher answered.

"I need help, two guys broke into my house, and I think they're after me!"

"Okay, calm down; what's your name?"

"Kurt, Kurt Hummel."

"Okay, Kurt, you're doing great; what's your address? We'll send help."

Kurt was about to answer when he heard something.

"Let go of me!" He knew that voice anywhere.

"Blaine!" Kurt exclaimed

"Kurt, what's going on?! Kurt?" The dispatcher asked, but Kurt didn't answer. He ran downstairs clutching his phone and was horrified to see one of the men had a knife to Blaine's throat!


"Please don't hurt him! Please!" Kurt begged, tears starting to form in the corner of his eyes.

"Now we're talking. Do as we say, or we'll kill your little boyfriend!" The voice sounded familiar, but that was the last thing Kurt was thinking about.

"Okay, I'll do whatever you say, just don't hurt him, please!"

"Drop your phone." The other one demanded; again, Kurt thought his voice sounded familiar as he dropped his phone onto the ground. The screen flashed on, showing the 911 call.

"Crap, he's called the police!" The one holding Blaine exclaimed; he pressed the knife closer to Blaine's throat.

"Turn it off! Or he's dead!"

"Okay, okay!" Kurt panicked as he quickly hit the end call button. "There, I did what you said. Now let him go!"

"We gotta get out of here if he's called the police!" The other masked man said.

"You're right. You take Hummel; I'll take care of him." The masked man said, dragging Blaine into the kitchen. The other one grabbed Kurt and began to drag him away.

"No, Blaine!" Kurt cried

"Shut up!" The other masked man said and threw a cloth over Kurt's mouth and nose; his vision got blurry, and he soon went limp.

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