Chapter 5

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Back at the police department, the team discussed the case and what they knew, Reid and Morgan walked in, the tips of Reid's hair was wet and he was in new clothes.

"Where were you? And why is Reid wet?" Prentiss asked.

"Didn't any of you get my text?" Morgan asked

"I did...I just didn't think you were serious." Rossi said, pulling out his phone and reading the text "We have to go to the hotel real quick. Some kid threw a slushy at Reid and now he's soaked in cherry slushy."

"You're kidding right?" Prentiss raised her eyebrows.

"I wish I could say I was."

"Okay, let's go over what we know." Hotch said changing the subject

"Kurt's friends from Glee think that someone they called Karofsky could have been responsible. Apparently he used to bully him a lot." Reid said

"That's the name Kurt's brother gave us. Along with someone named Azimio Adams" Prentiss stated

"So, Karofsky bullies Kurt, stalks him and then abducts him?" Morgan suggested

"That's a good theory Morgan, the only thing is, Kurt never told his parents or brother anything about being followed or even thinking that he's being followed," JJ said; her phone rang in her pocket; it was Garcia.

"Hey, Garcia, you're on speaker."

"Okay, my loves, I dug into the names JJ gave me."

"What did you find?" Hotch asked

"Well, for starters, Dave Karofsky started out as a pretty model student, always got As and Bs and was on the hockey team, then transferred to the football team, then his junior year hits and his grades are going down, he's getting into fights and...this is the big one, gets expelled from school for threatening Kurt's life!"

"There's a motive," Rossi said

"But why did he threaten him?" Morgan asked.

"According to the principal at the time, Sue Sylvester, he threatened to kill Kurt if he told anyone that he was picking on him. Kurt's Glee instructor took him to the principal before then."

"For what reason?" Rossi asked

"Apparently, Kurt was terrified of Karofsky, like a near panic attack terrified, but there was nothing they could do due to no physical evidence of Kurt being hurt. Dave also returned to school for that reason."

"What about the other kid, Azimio Adams," Prentiss asked

"Azimio, not much on him. He's flanking classes, then his grades go back up again, he's on the football team, and he's at Karofsky's hip. He was reported to the principal by Kurt, for locking him in a storage closet; he claimed it was an accident. But luckily, there was a witness, Mercedes Jones. She saw the whole thing and went and got a teacher. Azimio got a day's detention."

"How do you accidentally lock someone in a closet?" Prentiss asked

"You don't...jocks just get away with everything easier," Reid mumbled.

"Also, I did dig a bit more into Kurt Hummel and found out that he transferred schools temporarily when Karofsky was aloud to return to school.

"He was aloud to return to school?" Morgan asked

"Yeah, lack of physical evidence or something like that, anyway, get this! Kurt transferred to Dalton Academy! The exact same school that his boyfriend, Blaine Anderson, goes to!"

Reid walked up to the board and began looking at the pictures, once again in deep thought.

"Spence? What is it?"

"They knew...guys, what if we've been thinking about this all wrong...." Reid said

"The unsubs threatened to kill Blaine, but they didn't say we'll kill him; they said we'll kill your boyfriend...they knew who Blaine was to Kurt."

"Kid, where are you getting at?"

"What if Kurt isn't the victim...." Reid said, removing the sticky note with the word Victim from Kurt's picture and moving it to Blaine's.

"But Blaine is..."

"What? Reid, you're not making sense," Morgan said

"Hear me out! The other unsub dragged Blaine to the kitchen when the first one took Kurt away. Normally when we have an abduction, the unsub or unsubs kill anyone in their way, but they didn't. They left Blaine if they were trying to send a message."

"A message to who?" Rossi asked

"To Blaine himself. Whoever abducted Kurt knew what he meant to Blaine, so they took him, perhaps to have Blaine all to themselves."

"We need to profile Blaine Anderson, his family, friends, even his schoolmates. If Blaine is the target here, the unsub could go after him next." Hotch said, and everyone went to work.

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