Today in Georgia was Christmas. Of course, we were going to share our gifts again, Evelyn and I.
'Happy New Year!'
Evelyn told me.
'Happy New Year, Evelyn.'
'What are we doing tonight?'
'Drinking in our HOUSE.'
'Yeah, drinking here, sucks.'
'Uhm... let's go buy something to eat, and let's make nearly similar meals as we have in Georgia.'
'Great idea.'
'Let's invite the boys.'
She looked away when I said to invite the boys.
'What happened between you and Jamie, on your birthday?'
'He said the word you taught him, მიყვარხარ.'
'And what did you say?'
'I'll think about it.'
'What? No, you didn't.'
'Omg, Evelyn, ხომ იცი, როგორ მოსწონხარ?'
I started talking in Georgian, but the language change was so smooth.
'მაგრამ არ მინდა გული ეტკინოს.'
'გინდა რომ შენ გეტკინოს? Do you want to be disappointed because of your actions?'
'არა, but as I say. I'm gonna think about it. I'm still thinking.'
'ამდენს რას ფიქრობ? ან კი უნდა უთხრა ან არა. სიკვდილ-სიცოცხლის საკითხს ხომ არ ჭრი?'
'ასეთი მარტივი გგონია?'
'Evelyn, if you don't think about it, no one is gonna make your decision, but it's easy to know if you want to be part of his life. If you want to share your bad and good with him. You don't have anything to lose. You have done many good things in your life about your career. Your feelings are also important. Trust me, you like him. Or otherwise, you wouldn't let him stay with you.'
'That's right. მაგრამ არ მაქვს გამოცდილება, ხომ იცი რომ არ მყოლია არასდროს, არავინ. არ ვიცი როგორ უნდა მოვიქცე.'
'მილიონი შეყვარებული, რომც გყოლოდა სიყვარული მაინც არ გეცოდინებოდა. ვერ ისწავლი მაგას. უნდა იგრძნო.'
'კარგი, ვფიქრობდი ეს დღეები, ძალიან მომწონს, კი არა და მიყვარს. უცნაურია, რადგან ერთადერთი ბიჭია, ვინც მაგრძნობინა რომ, I'm enough. I'm the most important person in my life. I'M ENOUGH.'
'Yeah, that's most important.'
'Okay, let's go.'
We called a taxi. I was texting Daniel when Evelyn told me.
'It won't be a mistake, will it be?'
'No, if it doesn't work out, just don't regret it. It is a kind of experience. Before marriage, your every love story is experienced.'
'კარგი, ქართულად ვისაუბროთ. მძღოლმა არაფერი თქვას.'
'დანიელმა თქვა დახმარება ხომ არ გინდათო.'
'რა უთხარი?'
'კი თქო. მოვლენ ჯეიმიც მოვა იქ.'
'ოჰჰჰჰ, ვღელავ.'
The driver stopped near a market.
'Thank you.'
I saw Dan and ran towards him.
'Hi, baby.'
I hugged Jamie.
'Hey, Lucy. How are you?'
'I'm good, how are you?'
'Not bad, but not good.'
'You'll be well, soon.'
I whispered.
I chuckled, and he patted my head. Evelyn hugged Dan, then Jamie, but their hug was a little awkward.
'So, what did you two plan?'
'In our country, it's New Year's Eve, and we have to celebrate. We were going to our house. We wanted to cook similar meals and we wanted to invite you.'
Daniel wrapped his hand around my waist.
'Thank you.'
'Okay. Where?'
'Our HOUSE.'
we bought everything and left the market. It was almost 9 pm.
Evelyn and I cook. The boys were helping us. I was covered by the floor.
Daniel was recording those moments.
'Lu, you have something on your nose.'
Dan said and then put the floor on my nose.
'Wait, wait.'
I pushed Evelyn "accidentally," and she bumped into Jamie.
'ახლა? აქ?'
I chuckled.
'Yes, Evelyn.'
'I thought about what you told me.'
'When? Oh... on your birthday.'
'I appreciate your support in everything, the effort you are putting into it. Let's be f...'
'Evelyn is really concerned. She doesn't want to hurt you because she isn't well experienced and she was trying to avoid you because of this.'
I was talking so quickly because she was about to say that "Let's be friends." But I knew she'd regret it.
'Breathe, Lucy.'
Dan told me.
'It's okay. We will learn everything step by step.'
He hugged her.
'He isn't someone who'll force you to do something.'
I told her.
We end cooking, took a shower, put everything on the table and we started eating at 12 am.
Friend from English classes (✔️)
FanficTwo girls from Georgia met each other at an English 1 class and became friends... see how their life will go...