Chapter 5

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Cara's Pov
I walked down the stairs to join them for dinner. It feels weird sitting with a bunch of people, I don't even know properly and ironically, among them is the one who tried to kill me. It's upsetting as well as pleasant in a way because once I recover I'll start finding ways to kill him so that he'll pay for what he did to me. Before I even settled down properly, Ryan says in an admiring and flirty voice "You're looking beautiful Miss Louise like an angel." My face turned a little red, I never heard such things, compliments and praises are somehow unfamiliar to me. "Thank you." I somehow formed the words. Then we all ate dinner rather quietly, no one said a word. After the dinner I went upstairs and tried to sleep but I have already slept a lot. I left the room and started roaming, trying to discover the house that I've been staying in for I don't know how long.

20 minutes of roaming and not able to find anything to entertain myself, I started to return to my room. But then I saw a giant door at the end of the corridor of the second floor. I crept towards the door curiously, suddenly I felt a jerk, like someone grabbed my arm- "Why are you not in your room, I looked for you everywhere I....I thought you ran away or something happened to you." He said looking concerned. No he is not concerned.

"Why does it matter to you whether I die or leave." I asked uninterested. "It does matter Cara, you are not well..." He said in a low and warning voice and I cackled,"Why would you care, is it that once I recover you'll want to have your fun with me and when you'll be satisfied either it will the end for me or you may sell me for a hefty amount because this is what you do and have been- " He pushed me against the cold wall and grabbed my face with one hand, I tried to break free but he grabbed both my hands with the other one. I could feel his breath fanning against my face "Cara don't make it difficult for me and yourself too. I don't want to hurt you. So..... please don't do this to me, I know you don't trust me but you are in a lot of pain I know it and you do too. Firstly recover then do whatever you want, even if you want to kill me you have to become stronger than me.... please...let me heal you at least let me try..." His voice cracked. After a long pause, he let go of my face and hands. I am left frozen, I can't seem to move or do anything, I watched him leave.
"It's too late now, I don't feel the pain anymore because maybe I have gone numb." I whispered and then he slowly disappeared, like he always does but this time I felt a little sad and disappointed about it. I sat down against the wall. All the things that happened till now were running through my head and giving me a headache. I was tired, I closed my eyes for a while and then I started to feel sleepy. I don't know why but my body started to feel weak and I slowly drifted off to sleep.

Next day, I woke up in my bed and saw Layla fiddling with the phone. "Hey." I said. "Good morning, my cupcake I brought you breakfast, here have some." She passed me a tray. "Don't call me that." I said annoyed and she stick out her tongue then laughed. I ate my breakfast in silence and Layla was still staring at her phone.

I need to recover as well as become strong and for that I have to learn how to fight, maybe I should ask Layla to teach me, that's the least she could do if she thinks she is my friend. "What?"  She said. Looks like I was staring at her the whole time I was thinking. "Nothing... it's just....that I want to...learn combat skills so that I can become strong, sooo.... would you be able to teach me if you can??" I asked with a little hope. "Hmm...well, I don't have much experience in that area but you can ask Arthur to teach you I mean he is very skilled and strong." She answered.

"Nope, not happening. Forget it." I said without even giving it a second thought. "Cara if you really want to learn fighting and become a better and stronger version of yourself you have to push yourself to do things that benefits you even if you don't like it because trust me no one will care what you like or dislike, the world doesn't work like that." She said in a very serious tone. She is right, after thinking for a while I asked while sighing,"But... how do I tell him about this and whenever we open our mouths all we do is fight."

"That's my problem, I'll talk to him about it don't worry." She assured me and immediately rushed out of the room without even telling me what she will say to him about it or how she will convince him.

Arthur's Pov
I was working on the new mission that we will be operating after 6 days and suddenly Layla bursts into my office space. "Arthur I have something to talk about, it's-" before she could finish I cut her off "Not now Layla, I am working and don't you have your own house why are you roaming around here like a ghost, leave." Irritation could be seen in my eyes.
"I am not here for you and nor I am a roaming ghost control that little tongue of yours or I might cut it, I just want to stay with Cara for awhile. Anyways it's about her, she wants to learn how to fight." She said. No way she wants to learn it, right now when she is so weak. It won't be good for her health.

"No I won't teach her and you won't either because she is not capable of that right now do you get it, she is weak and hasn't recovered yet. Her small body won't be able to take that much strain, she might even collapse so no we are not doing that." I said.

"I will fight you." A feminine voice echoed and I turned towards the source and there she was, anger and rage clearly seen on her face.

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