Bruno x Male Reader ☆

508 9 2

Requester : visualkei_yoshiki


It was a rather cold day. To the point where snow was slowly making its way down from the sky. Narancia's face lit up as he saw the large amount of snow that had fell down. "You guys see this?! It's snowing!! Come on! Someone come out there with me!!" Narancia exclaimed, but it seemed everyone was too busy doing other things. Abbacchio was listening to music, far too loud to hear anything, You were helping Mista go through magazines to find a new outfit, while Fugo occasionally chimmed in while he was talking to Giorno, and Trish was painting her fingernails a light shade of sparkly pink.

Narancia sighed and frowned while looking back outside at the snow that looked perfect for playing in. Where was Bruno anyways? "Doesn't this one look cool (f/n)??" He pointed to a picture of a model in leather pants and some puffy black jacket. Let's just say.. it looked better on the model than it would look on Mista. "Uhhhhhh........" you looked to the side and Mista groaned. "Ugh! You're just like Trish!" He frowned and Trish scoffed out of irritation, throwing her nail filer at him. "Heyyy....!!!" Mista angrily glared at Trish.

"You wanted me to be honest. I'm only trying to help you. Sorry." You sighed and flipped to the next page of the magazine, looking at the variety of clothes that had been displayed on the pages. Before you could throughly look at them and give your feedback to Mista, you heard the front door open which made you immediately look up to see who it was. It was Bruno. You could feel your heart thump a little faster. You quickly looked away and focused back on the magazines contents. You had a issue of staring at Bruno.

He looked so handsome to you and his personality topped it off. But... it felt a bit weird to have a crush on your boss of all people.. right? Being a guy at that. You've been a little uncomfortable with liking men, as your parents weren't very accepting of you. But you couldn't just move on like this, you really really liked Bruno Bucciarati. Although he probably didn't like you back. You liked to imagine he did.

You wiped your eye and looked at the pages in the magazine before you, it looked like Mista had flipped the page again. There were completely different things on the page then the ones you originally saw. Not like that it really mattered. You slightly jumped as you felt Bruno's hands cold hands rub your warmed up shoulders. "Hey (f/n).. can I talk to you for a moment?" Your heart felt like it could come out your chest at any given time. "Yeah... sure." You smiled at him and he gave a confirming smile back. "I'll be in my office."

The short haired man walked away and all you could do was stare at the magazine feeling like a complete mess. "What happened with you two? What'd ya think he's gonna talk to you about?" Mista asked while chewing on a cherry. You honestly had no clue and couldn't answer, Fugo answered for you. "Mista, it's none of your business. Stay out of it."

He looked over at Fugo and gave him a aggravated look. "I only wanted to help out! Jeez.. why do you people hate me so much!!" Mista slouched in his chair and you stood up to go to Bucciarati's office. "Good luck (f/n)!!" Mista smiled and you walked off even faster. Once you got to the door, you exhaled and slowly opened the office door. "(f/n)! Hello. Feel free to have a seat. There's water if you'd like some." You rushed to the seat across from Bruno and sat down. Anxious of what he was going to say.

Bruno cleared his throat and began talking. "I'll try not to make this long.. you've caught my attention Mr. (l/n)." Bruno paused and you tapped your foot on the floor. "Romantically I mean." Your eyes suddenly widened out of shock. Was he being serious? You weren't dreaming this time were you? "How do I explain it... it somehow hurt me when you always tried to avoid me and try not to look at me. You always get so tense when I'm around like I don't like you or something. I've actually developed a passionate love for you."

You didn't notice until now, but your faces were rather close together. Before you could think Bruno had pushed his lips onto yours. Before you two could continue, you walked around the desk and wrapped your arms around Bruno so you wouldn't have to stretch across the desk to kiss him. As you two continued to kiss, it became a heated makeout session and you progressively began stripping eachothers clothes off. Unfortunately for you both, your heated session was interrupted by the sound of a knock on the office door.

"Bruno.. sorry to interrupt you and (f/n)'s conversation but—" Fugo had been interrupted by Mista's loud voice "But you need to take care of Trish!! And I need (f/n) to help me with this magazine, you're not helping Fugo!" You quickly moved off of Bruno and ignored the erection you had gotten from Bucciarati to put your clothes back on. Bruno doing the same. "A—ah yes! I'll be out in just a second yeah?" He slid his belt on and quickly buttoned up his shirt so that he could swing the door open. He put a warm smile on his face.

"(f/n)!! Get your ass out here! I really need these outfits." You rushed out the office, wiping a bit of sweat that had trickled down off your forehead. You heard Bruno mutter to you "We'll finish what we started, I promise." He winked and rushed over to the group of people in the large living room. Although Bruno was barely in sight at this point, your heart still thumped rapidly. "(f/n)!! Jeez where are you!!!" You snapped back into reality and quickly rushed into the room where you found the same magazine on the table.

"Let's get back at it I guess." You put your cheek on your fist and once again started flipping through magazine pages.

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