★ Abbacchio & Reader

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On a side note, I was going to make this into a series but I'm working on too many serieses and I don't know how to finish it anyways. Sooo take sea monster Abba.


My birthday has just recently past, I'm finally 22! I've been studying marine biology for a bit over 3 years. Life like this has been my dream since I was young. I decided I'd go to a shore today to get my mind off of things.

The sun was setting, and the smell of crisp ocean water filled the air. I heard the sound of crashing waves surround me and the feeling of warm sand covering my feet. I looked out at the water ahead of me, sparkling in the distance. There was a notebook in my yarn bag I had brought with me, I rummaged through the bag trying to find it, eventually, I did. The notebook was full of dozens of notes and little doodles of jellyfish and starfish. I was planning on writing a bit about the ocean. I sat on a rock before me.

I thought of a heading for my writing / doodling.

The ocean


The deep blue sea

Mmm... nah.

The dark blue water ahead


The serene sapphire

I guess I was happier with that. Creative names aren't my specialty.

I looked ahead yet again, the sunset making the water sparkle. It looked gorgeous. I took out a little polaroid camera that was also in my bag and took a picture of it. This would go perfectly in with my writing! Unfortunately, I didn't have something to hold the picture onto the paper. I guess that'd have to wait.

I tapped my pencil on the paper. I felt like spacing out. That was.. until I saw something fly out and back into the water. "Huh?" I muttered low to myself. I finally wrote something down.

"Visit 1 : The sun is low and the water is dazzling in the suns light. Watching from afar, I noticed that something had jumped out the water! I don't exactly know what it was though. It wasn't as big as a whale or a shark, but it's tail was too long to belong to a dolphin. I'm really stumped. :("

I looked back out and saw it yet again! A little more clear this time. I really really wanted to know what this was! Yelling out to it simply sounded stupid. Maybe... would food lure it in? I dug in my bag in hopes to find something, anything. Wait. Maybe my bag! I took all my things out and left my bag on a further rock and waited, jotting more things onto my paper.

"I left my bag on a rock in hopes of the creature in the water to find interest in it. Of course, I do intend on getting my bag back somehow, but if that fails, I could always find a different one. Not sure how I'd carry all my stuff home though."

I looked up and noticed something was coming closer to my bag. Yes, it must be working! I still remained in the same place, hoping the creature would soon come out the water.

"It came closer! My plan is running smoothly so far! If I do find out exactly what this thing is, it would be a perfect time to start studying. Who knows, maybe my future could be bright, and I could win a Nobel Prize!! That would be nice. Maybe my parents could reach out to me and talk to me for the first time in awhile... that'd be great."

That's when I saw it. It came up to my bag! I slowly walked over, observing what was in front of me. I silently wrote it down on my notebook.

"I see it. White hair, an interesting head piece, the tail looks to be a very dark purple, white / pale skin. There's also hints of light blue and yellow on its chest."

I slightly jumped the second it saw me. Shit shit shit. I can't lose this mo—


I know exactly what this is.

This creature, it's a sea monster. I've heard dozens of things about them!

"Waitwaitwait!!" I yelled as it jumped back into the water. I saw nothing but it's head popped up in the water. "I'm not trying to hurt you." Fuck, I probably look really stupid. I might as well just let it go, but it didn't leave. It actually.... spoke to me? "H..ello?" This is kinda scary. I have to write all of this down.

"I've identified it! It's a sea monster of some sort, these were originally claimed to be fake! I'm going somewhere... finally! And it can speak, unlike other creatures."

I walked closer, slowly. It's scales were gorgeous. "Hi..." it's eyes looked to be... purple mixed with yellow? It was a very beautiful combination. "What do you... want from.. me." It could speak fluent English, but it sounded as if it was struggling a bit. "My name is.. (f/n)! What's yours? Do you have one?" I walked another 2 steps. "Leone." I scribbled some more.

"He (?) claims his name is Leone, I'm not sure if he has a last name as he hasn't given it to me."

He looked like he was in a daze or something. He seemed dozed out. His voice also sounded low and a tad bit raspy. "Can I see your hand? I'm... im not trying to do anything!! I swear! I just want to analyze it." He hesitated, but slowly moved it out the water. His nails were sharp and white. His hands seemed to be webbed, they looked really cool.

"You look.. gorgeous. Your colors suit you so nicely Leone." I looked up at him and I saw a faint smile show on his face. "You're... very nice (f/n). I like you." I smiled from his statement and scribbled some more in my notes.

"Webbed hands, his nails are very short, more to be referred to as claws. He truly is a very stunning creature. And he told me himself he likes me."

I looked down and saw my bag sitting on the sandy floor. I looked back up at the sky, the sun is unfortunately almost completely set. I needed to go home before it gets too dark. I thought I could stay longer, I'd love to know more about Leone.

"Ah.. I need to go." I sighed and started packing my things up in my bag. Leone had an expression of concern. "You're going?" I paused what I was doing and focused my attention back onto him. "Ah yes. I sadly can't stay over here forever. But how about this.. I can come back tomorrow. Would you like that?" I put my bag over my shoulder and looked at Leone, a frown was seen on his face. "Okay." I smiled and held his hand. "I promise I'll be back. Right here at sunset."

It felt like.. like a was in The Little Mermaid but the story was like... completely twisted! Not like it bothered me. I've never even dreamed of talking, better yet building a friendship with a sea monster. This was truly different, like I was in a fairytale, or a fantasy novel. "Well.. I'll be here too." His smile fully formed, showing sharp, pointy teeth. They looked really cute! I laughed and stood up. "Bye bye Mr. Leone. Until tomorrow." I waved and he sunk back into the dark blue water.

As I sunk into the drivers seat of my car, sand still on my clothes as feet, I wrote down one final note for the day.

"I'm in my car now. I've never seen something so fascinating! Nobody can know about it yet, not until I learn more. This friendship means everything to me, although it's a little strange. I'm coming back again at the same place at the same time tomorrow. I genuinely hope I can get to know this... sea monster. My favorite fascination."

A/N - Yoo-hoo!~ Would you guys like to see more sea monster abba? Not many plots have been on my mind, but this one was really fun and different to write! Let me know if you have any ideas 🤍

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