Risotto's.. Who?

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Hi guys, did you miss Kii? I learned a bit about Italian currency for this one. The currency changed in Italy right about after Golden wind was set. It changed to Euro at the start of 2002 (the year after golden wind took place), so I almost put the currency in Euro instead of Lira. Silly ol me.


How to escape from your past
The ex mafia member who's seen it all.


"You've got to be joking." My editor looked down at my 2 ongoing chapters of my future book. "What's so bad about it? I think it's great." His narrowed eyes looked up in disbelief. "How to escape from your past? Is this some kind of joke.."

You'd be surprised at how serious my face was. He was overly confident for my so called editor, he'd always act as if he knew my whole life story. "You know nothing. Just give this a chance, would you?" I gave him a gentle smile of reassurance and reached my right hand out, which was twitching a little more than usual under its black clothed glove.

His eyes scrutinize my drafted introduction, and then my hand. "Impress me with the next two chapters, and I'll help you out with this project." He shook my hand, which couldn't fully feel the tight grip that was on it. "Appreciations. I'll be back next Thursday, yeah?" I stood up, taking my messenger bag on my shoulder. "Yeah. See you then." I wave and walk out of the small, quiet office. As much as I loved the sound of future success, I simply couldn't think of a way to continue this.


"Time : 23:41,
I. Can't. Think"

I couldn't even write a journal sign in. Something felt wrong, dead wrong. I just couldn't put my finger on it. It felt as if eyes were burning holes through my thick coat and into my chest. But maybe I was going crazy. I haven't felt this alert since Risotto. That was.. years ago. Deep breaths (f/n). No more mafia. No more stands. No more fighting. Push up your reading glasses and start drafting.

But I couldn't. That feeling was scratching at me, sending me signals that something was wrong. I stood up, looking around my half dimmed office. I felt as if I saw a shadow in the corner of my eye. But, was that actually a person? I took a lighter out of my right coat pocket as my left hand started to get clammy. I lit it to see a... somewhat familiar face. Do I know this man? He gave me a pure grin.

"Oh.. hahah! I guess I didn't blend in well huh?" I have a picture of this man, if I remember correctly. Blue, short hair, what looks to be in a bob, white suit with zippers on it, somewhat low tone of voice. "I won't be here long, and I recon you won't have any enemies to tell of me, yes? I'm Bruno Bucciarati. You may have heard the name before." That last name.. who is it?? I couldn't remember any memories of this Bruno man.

"You're Risotto's brother I presume?" My eyes widened. How did he know of me? I felt as if someone was gripping tightly on my lungs. I couldn't breathe correctly. "Please.. go away. If anyone hears of my name I'm done for."

"Oh don't be silly, nobody'll even know I was here. I just have one question to ask." He sat down in my desk chair. Was he purposely rummaging through my stuff? "I noticed that prosthetic hand of yours. Who gave that to you? Was it in fact, your brother?"

I gazed down to the hand he was referring to, slowly pulling off the black glove that was covering it. My eyebrows lowered as I examined it. "I don't want to talk about that." I cleared my throat, looking back up at Bruno. "I see.." he held his chin, looking a bit puzzled. "Well, I thought you could be of use to my team. Giving the fact you're the brother of our enemy." I bent every finger on my hand. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. They didn't bend all the way to the palm.

"I haven't talked to Risotto ever since my hand. He's nothing to me. You'd have to bribe me tremendously for me to tell you a single thing."

My hand got cut off 5 years ago. Right before I left the mafia. One of my close friends gave me a new identity and I started my new life peacefully. I never needed my stand after that day. I made books similar to experiences I went through in my earlier days, but of course, I couldn't say they were based off of true events. My new novel was going to be based off of what happened before I left the mafia, and how I adapted to my new going life. But, it's "fiction" of course.

"Ohoh? So it's money that'll make you talk?" My mouth lowers to a frown, but I try not to make it much noticeable. "Perhaps. It won't be very easy to persuade me however." I haven't necessarily told anyone about those days before, because I don't have many friends, and or, I don't have someone I trust with my life. At least, not anymore.

"I'll make you a deal." Bruno stood up, walking over to give me a card the size of a business card. He whispered in my ear. "*30,000,000 lira for you to be of service to me. Sound fair?" I don't remember Bucciarati being one to bribe so highly. That's more than me and my editor's yearly salary. But despite that, I had to seriously think about this. "I can't give you a valid answer on that yet." Bucciarati patted me on the back.

"No pressure at all! But, just so you're aware, I'm only giving you 3 days to make a choice. If you agree, just know, you're going to see your brother again." He gave me one final grin. There was this enlightenment on his face that sent me a kind message. I very much liked it. Not in a.. romantic way though.

"Well, goodbye gentile signore! I trust you'll make a very wise decision, wether you do or do not accept!" He closed the door gently behind him, and it made me wonder how he had gotten in. I had locked my office door, hadn't I? Well, that's irrelevant now I suppose.

I sat down, looking back at my notebook. "I finally have something to write..." I take a good breath and start moving my black ink pen against the piece of paper. I scribbled out the original time I had written and updated it.

"Time : 00:01
I feel as if I can think clearly as ever now. That man.. Bucciarati. The man that I haven't seen in such a long time. He made me feel so many different things. From stress, to relief somehow. He pledged a deal with me for 30,000,000 lira.

He told me if I took the money, I'd need to be a service to him. I couldn't exactly grasp what he meant by that, but I made the assumption he meant to tell him things about my brother, Risotto Nero, who is supposedly an enemy of his. Of course, I'm not surprised the slightest.

It's just.. I don't know if I should do it. Can I really trust this man with everything that happened back then? I've never told a single person ever since I left the mafia. And I never thought anyone from the mafia would find me again. I'm a completely different person in this new life, how could he have gotten my location, or even my name? Nevertheless, I really need that money. I might take up on his offer.."

I finished by taping the card into my notebook, examining it one last time. The card read.. "If you make up your mind, call this number.. C:" I swallowed hard, and my left hand got uncomfortably sweaty as my hand was about to call the number shown on the card. I had the realization that after I dialed this number, I may never come back as the author I claimed to be for the past 5 years ever again.

"Here we go..."

I dialed. I called. Someone answered.

"Signore (f/n)! It didn't take you as long as I perceived." He paused and the line slightly went quiet. "So? Will you accept?" I tapped all of my fingers on the desk in front of me. "Um.." I was breaking a promise to myself. But surely it would be worth it, right? "Yes.. I do accept."

"Wonderful!" His voice lit up with excitement from across the line.

"Welcome to the Passione, my friend!"

* 30,000,000 Lira is about 1,130,000 dollars in USD

I had a burning need to write today. I really enjoyed writing this aswell. I hope you liked it too huaaahaha. I may write more in the future, just don't expect any smut.

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