Part 1 - Home

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(Finney's POV)
I was walking towards the schools exit, as the day had just ended. I was tired, but wasn't in the mood to go home yet. (I was afraid of dad)
Gwen caught up to me
"Hey Finney, it's Friday so-"
I cut her off, "Yea, yea I know." I sighed
She chuckled, she began to trail away
"Don't eat all the ice cream!" She turned around and shouted
I smiled and shook my head
"You're gonna do it anyway aren't you?" A voice breathed down my neck
I jumped
"JESUS, You scared the shit out of me Robin!" I yelled
He chuckled
"Heading home?"
"Yeah, I don't really want to though." I looked away
"How come?" He questioned
I paused
I wasn't sure if I should tell Robin the truth or not
"Oh uh, it's just boring that's all, especially when Gwen isn't around y'know?" I lied
He seemed a bit puzzled, but didn't comment anything else on it
"Well, not suggesting to change your plans last minute, but you're welcome to come over anytime." He smiled brightly
Something about his smile and offer made me feel a little tingle in my stomach

"Actually, can I come over today?" I asked quickly
He grinned
"Of course! Mamá won't mind, she doesn't get off work until 6, but she says she doesn't mind if you come over."
"Oh, really?" I gleamed
"Yup, she loves you!"
We laughed

"Wanna race?" He smirked
"You're gonna lose"
"Sure sure."
"1, 2, 3, GO!" He yelled and bolted
"HEY THAT'S NOT FAIR!" I said trying to catch up
Robin stood victoriously in front of his house, smiling gleefully
I gasped for air while walking towards him
"How are you so fast?" I breathed
He laughed
"Let's go inside and get some water yea?"

After catching our breaths and refreshing ourselves, he grabbed my hand and took me to his room
I felt my stomach churn when he held my hand
"So what do you wanna do?" He smiled while sitting on the bed
"I don't know, what about you?" I asked while sitting beside him
"We could study math." He whispered
I laughed
"Really? Out of everything you want to do?"
"I know, but I'll fail!"
"Alright, alright." I chuckled
I bent down to grab my book bag and my sleeve pushed up my arm, revealing a few bruises
I quickly pushed it down
Robin seemed to notice though
"You okay?"
"Yeah, it's nothing."
We studied math for an hour or so, but we both eventually got distracted talking
Me and Robin were joking around, play fighting and all
When all of the sudden he had lost balance falling off the bed, hitting the ground, his bandana falling with him
"Holy shit, are you okay?" I said getting up
He was on the floor laughing, but I paused looking at him with heart eyes, as his hair was down, messy but pretty, I had never seen him without his bandana
He looked back to me
N-nothing!" I shook my head, grabbing his bandana
"Oh shit." He quickly got up trying to grab it
'What's wrong?"
"I- uh- I never take my bandana off, it's embarrassing without it."
"How come? You look pretty without it too."
I stopped, regretting what I said immediately.
He paused while he was trying to put it back on his head
"Do you really think that?"
My face was obviously red
"Sorry I just-"
He smiled
"No, that actually means alot to me." He set the bandana down
It was quiet for a second, but we both stood there smiling at each other
"I never do much with my hair because of how self-conscious I am about it."
"This might be a weird question but, I can braid your hair if you'd like." I looked away
He paused for a second, but gave me a huge smile
"Really? That'd be cool" He said excited
I took Robin's bandana, and his brush
Before I said anything, he laid his head on my chest, resulting in my body making a reaction
I felt my face lit up, and bits of excitement rush through me
"...Are you ok?" He asked
"Sorry, heh, yea." I began brushing through his lockes
It was quiet, I played with his soft hair, his eyes were closed, and he was resting on my lap
My face was burning, I was grinning while braiding his beautiful hair
I tied the bottom with his bandana
He got up to check it in the mirror
"Wow, where did you learn to braid?!" He turned to me excitingly
"Gwen taught me some things." I smiled, while standing up
"Do you like it?" I asked
"Like it? I absolutely love it!" He grabbed my hands pulling me close
I was unsure why Robin was so touchy today, but it made me feel good
I hadn't noticed that when he pulled me forward, my arms would show
He stopped, looking down to my beaten arms
"Ah, shoot, I'm-" I pulled back covering them up
"Finn?" He asked
I was quiet
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm-"
"Don't lie to me."
I sighed, tears began to fill my eyes
He came close
"Hey, hey, it's okay, what's going on?" He wiped my face
"It's just my dad. He gets drunk almost every day and when he gets upset he- he- hurts me." I sobbed
"Shh it's okay." He pulled me into him for a hug, my face cried into his chest.
He scoffed, "I'll kill that hijo de puta."

I pulled away from him,
"Shit, I'm so sorry Robin. I didn't mean to do this, this was supposed to be fun."
"No, no, don't apologize! You did nothing wrong. I care for you too much Finn, I can't stand seeing you hurt so much. I get why you never want to go home now, just remember you're always welcome here." He smiled at me
I couldn't help but smile back
"Thank you, Robin. I appreciate you so much." I wiped my tears away.
"Do you want to stay here tonight?" He cupped my face
My heart beat loudly while he held me
He stared into my eyes deeply.
I felt my face burn and my stomach churn as I stared into his beautiful hazel eyes.
I cleared my throat, grabbing his arms to take them off me.
"Sure, why not." I sighed and turned away
We sat quietly
"Is it ok if I rest for a little while?" I asked rather randomly, pointing to his pillow beside me
"No not at all." He nodded
I laid my head back on his soft pillow and shut my eyes promptly.
I heard a shuffle beside me, as well as a feeling of someone grabbing me as I drifted away into a slumber

A knock at his bedroom door awoke me, I glanced outside his window and realized it was getting dark, oh shoot. His mom is probably home.
I turned to see Robin resting beside me, I felt little embarrassment seeing him sleep
"Robin?" A voice called
Robin fluttered his tired eyes open, holding himself up and yawning
"Yes Mamá?" Robin answered in a tired voice
She opened the door
"Hola Finn." She smiled sweetly, I waved back
"Ah! Guau! Que hiciste con tu cabello mijo?"
"Necesitas algo mamá?" Robin asked something in Spanish
"Ay, no me gusta tu tono!" She sighed
"Lo siento ma, solo estamos ocupados."
They continued their conversation, I don't understand much Spanish so I sat there awkwardly
After a bit of bickering, a phone from the distance rang, and his mom ran off to answer it
"Sorry about that Finn." He turned to me embarrassed
"You're okay." I smiled to him
We sat for an awkward minute, before distant footsteps approached
Robin's mom creaked the door open, looking a bit puzzled.
"It's your dad Finn." She said in a heavy accent
We both froze, I was afraid
I slowly moved myself from Robins bed, shakingly moving my way to the phone
I picked it up with resistance
"Hello..." I whispered
"Where the hell are you?" My dad asked in a drunken tone
"I'm at a friends."
"Why didn't you ask?" He rang into my ear
"I couldn't." I kept my cool
I stayed quiet, tears formed through my eyes
"Get your ass back home right now." He barked
"I'm staying the night-"
"No the hell you aren't. I told you, and I won't ask again, get your snobby ass home, NOW. You have no say in this."
"LEAVE ME ALONE." I yelled, hanging up the phone

"I can't fucking stand him." I scoffed under my shaken voice
I turned to see Robin standing behind me
I wiped the tears from my eyes
"Are you okay? What did he say?" He moved towards me
"Nothing- I'm okay."
He seemed concerned, but didn't push me for an answer
I walked myself back to Robins room, him following not too far behind me
I dropped to the floor beside his bed
"Will you be okay when you get home tomorrow?" Robin stood in the frame of his door
"He'll get over himself eventually. Either that or his drunk ass wont remember tomorrow morning." I sighed, knees scrunched up to my face
We sat in awkward silence for a minute
"Well if there's anything you need, I'm here for you, okay?" He tried lighting the mood
"Thanks Robin."
"Mijo,ven aquí!" His mom shouted from the kitchen
He sighed "I'll be right back." He chuckled as he wandered off
Something about Robin made me feel okay. Everytime I'm with him I feel safe and calm, but I feel guilty for even feeling this way towards him. It's wrong, isn't it? But, there's just something there about him. He cares about me, and willing to do anything to protect me. I want to be with him forever. Because I-
"Finn! Ma says dinner is ready." He peeked around the door excitedly
"Oh- yeah."
"Everything okay?" He turned his head
"Yeah, let's go eat." I stood up walking to him
I hope he feels the same.
End of chapter 1?
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Thank u! ❤️

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