Part 3- Just a Dream

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Soon enough, Robin fell asleep. I laid awkwardly beside him. It shouldn't be awkward, but I could feel my heart race. He was close enough for me to feel him breathing. I twiddled with my fingers, worrying about everything and nothing at the same time. While my mind took me over, I felt a warm hand slip onto my arm.  I glanced over to see Robin's sleepy face rest towards my shoulder, and his small hand grasping my arm. The soft moonlight peeked from his curtain, shining on his beautiful brown skin. In my reaction, I let out a small noise of confusion. Robin made a little whine. How could one person be so pretty? I trembled, and I was feeling so much at once. Before I could even comprehend it all, my tiredness gave in and I fell into my slumber.

In my mind, I imagined us together. He was close to me, in the meer distance, a slow heartbeat broke our silence. I couldn' t understand what was happening, but it didn't feel wrong in the moment. His hand rested upon my cheek, and I could feel everything stop. He pulled me close to him, and before anything progressed, I woke in a sweat.
It was late night, maybe even morning. I was breathing heavily.
I glanced at Robin, noticing his hand was still close to my arm. He was breathing slowly and quietly. A sudden wave of guilt washed over me for just looking at him.
I'm so tired of myself. Why can't I just be normal? Why do I feel this way towards him? Why can't I let him go? I just want to be normal.
I heard movement beside me, and noticed Robin just waking up.
"Mm, Finn??" He asked while rubbing his eyes
I turned towards him
"Why are you up? What time is it?" He looked to me
"I'm okay Robin. Just go back to sleep." I said dismissively
"Mmm...okay." He tiredly said, laying down back in his bed, rolling over in his blankets.
I sighed in frustration and confusion.
I stared at him in wonder as he shut his eyes
I sat in the middle of bed, pondering about my decisions.
Pushing myself to lay back onto the pillow, I scrunch my face with my hand.
Millions of worries over bare me, and I can't help but cry
The salty shame of tears stream down my face
A hand brushed against me
"Everything okay?" Robin's raspy voice called to me "Why are you crying?"
I wiped my face
"I'm not crying."
"Yes, you are. I've been watching you." He shook his head, maneuvering his body in a way to be closer to me
I sniffed, and chuckled
"That's a bit weird to say."
He nodded, "Cmon, what's wrong?"
"It's nothing, just...." I paused, Robin waited for an answer
"You don't have to worry."
"What?" I gave him a quick glance
"Please, don't lie to me. I've been so worried about you lately. Is it your dad? Bullies? I just want you to be okay. I won't intervene unless you want me to." He said in a serious tone
I gulped in fear
I want to tell everything....I want to be truthful, I don't want to lie to him. But what if I risk it all?
I cleared my throat, and sighed heavily.

Sorry this one was so short :(

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