Chapter 8- Satasfied

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Chapter 8

Robin's face lit up

He brushed my cheek and spoke

"Is it okay if I call you amor?" He said and smiled

My face burnt up and I tumbled back

He began to fidget

"I-I mean, if it's that cringy I won't!" He hesitated and giggled

"No, no!" You're okay" I laughed, "Just caught me off guard that's all."

We sat and laughed together

"This...has been a weird week." He sighed

"What do you mean?"

He looked to me

"I'm not saying this is weird. Just this whole week has been a rollercoaster." He mumbled

"Yeah, and I'm sorry for ignoring you for the majority of the week...I was just so worried. I thought it'd be better if I just let you go." I chimed in

"You're fine Finn. I get where you're coming from. You have a lot going on, and I don't blame you for feeling that way. Hell, I'm afraid of feeling like this too. Not in the way of being bullied I guess, I can deal with that. Just what my mom will think...I was scared you would hate me too but I was clearly wrong." He giggled

"Heh, yeah." Is all I could answer

We paused for a second

"Y'know Finn, you don't gotta worry about ever losing me. I will be here for you no matter what." He smiled while grabbing my hand

I smiled back, hugging him tightly

"Thank you Robin." I tried holding back my tears

"Shh you're okay." He said with a calm tone, brushing the back of my hair with his hands

I pulled back, and looked away

"I am scared of what my dad will think though."

"He doesn't have to know, does he?" Robin grinned

"Not necessarily, but he will probably catch on sooner or later. I mean, he already doesn't like you."

"Wait, he doesn't?" Robin said with a disappointed expression

"Yeah, and if he does suspect something, god knows what he'd do to me." I said looking down

"Hey, hey, don't worry too much about it right now, we'll be fine." He rested his hand upon my shoulder

"Yeah..." I sighed

"Let's...head to bed, yeah?" He asked

"You're right. It's getting late. I don't want my dad to come in." I said while getting the bed set-up

He smiled and sighed while looking at me

I turned to him

"What?" I giggled

"Nothing, nothing at all." He grinned

He laid beside me, resting his head on his arm

We laid in the darkness together, his glistening amber eyes looked into me

He tucked my hair again, and smiled at me with puppy eyes

"Goodnight amor" He kissed me gently on the nose

I fell asleep with a satisfied feeling within me




Sorry for the shortness of this one!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2023 ⏰

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