Chapter 7-Truth

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Chapter 7

I wandered home with a tear stained face

Everything was blurred, and I was exhausted from crying all the way home

Once I entered my room, I felt my body collapse onto the bed, and my mind was broken

I felt no emotion and everything all at once

Holding my hands up to my face, I stared as they shook intensely from anxiety

I couldn't help myself anymore, more tears rushed down my face

I'm such an idiot

Out of frustration I just admitted everything to him, now the future felt unclear

I shut my eyes promptly, trying to compose myself, before finally giving in, crumbling under the pressure




I stayed in my room for the rest of the evening, Gwen checked in once and a while, but I kinda nudged her to leave me alone in the most passive way I could

I really wasn't in the mood for anyone.

The night seemed slow and agonizing

I sat myself up in my bed, resting on the edge.

At least I didn't have to confront him tomorrow because it's Saturday

I sat there with an empty mind

I heard a knock at our front door, I didn't pay much mind to it, though I still listened

I assumed Gwen had opened the door, as it was her voice speaking to whoever else was there to visit

Footsteps were heard entering the house, I was a bit curious but didn't really mind, as I had no plans to leave my room anytime soon

It was quiet for a second or so, until I heard footsteps approach my room.

I was afraid it was dad, but still didn't have much reaction

A sudden knock at my room door shook me up from my woes , I sat at there not acknowledging it

My door slowly creeped open, and a familiar face walked in

"Hey Finn."

It was Robin

I sighed, not saying a word

He sat beside me on the bed, but not looking towards me

"You okay?" He asked

I didn't answer

"Okay I get it." He whispered



We both sat quietly

"Finn." He started "You're not a freak."

I glanced a bit towards him

"In fact, you're one of the bravest and coolest people I know." He smiled slightly, "You're a great person and I don't know what I'd ever do without you."

I still stayed quiet

"And...I'm glad you told me how you felt."

I turned towards him confused

He sighed shutting his eyes, then looking to me

I felt a hand slip into my own

"Because, I love you too." He smiled

Before I could take in what he said, a pair of soft lips connected with mine, and it felt like the world had stopped

My eyes had widened, as I was making sense of it all

He let go of me

"I was never trying to play with you, and I'm sorry if I confused or misled you in any way. But I do love you." He beamed to me

I stuttered unintelligible words, as the world had just flipped upside down

Everything I dreamed of, had become true all in one moment

He brushed his hand across my face

"You're not joking?" Is all I could say

He giggled, "No, I'm not joking."

Everything seemed to change all at once and I wasn't sure how to take it in

Not even a minute ago I was thinking it was all over, and yet here I am with the one person I love admitting they had felt the same?

How do I even react?

All those moments that led up to this, the dreams, the emotions, the memories I had all felt and were ashamed of, yet he had the same ideals

I had misjudged him this whole time, I was blinded by my own self-pity I didn't even recognize his feelings

But does that all matter when I have him now?

Should I recognize my guilt or should I move on with us?

I wasn't sure what the next step was

He had noticed my strained expression, and began to speak

"Everything okay?" He chuckled

"Y-yeah. I'm fine." I smiled back

"Good." He said getting closer to me

He tucked my hair behind my ear, and seemed calm with me

"Would you mind if I kissed you again?" He said with a sweet tone

"No, not at all." I mumbled out embarrassed

I was still surprised when it happened if I knew he was going to do it

I held his face in my palms, and felt little excitement within me

That was how the night was, peaceful and calm

I forgot everything and all my worries just in that moment

I knew I made the right choice

A knock at the door broke us lose, my dad creaked open the door

He cleared his throat

"Robin, your mom called. She wants to know if you're going to stay the night."

We looked at each other, then back to him

"If it's okay with you Mr.Blake." Robin tried to speak with a mature tone

My dad gave out a underlying sigh

"Fine, just don't be too loud." He mumbled as he closed the door leaving us

"Mr.Blake?" I chuckled

"What? I wanted to be polite." Robin smiled

The room filled with our laughs, and then fell silent yet it wasn't awkward

Robin looked to me with a slight smile

He grabbed a hold of my hand

"I..." He started

I smiled, already knowing what he was attempting to tell me

I answered for him;

"I love you too."





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