the train ride

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Katherine's pov

We're at the station ready for a new year at empires academy for my 5th year. "Hey Lizzie," I see the pink hair girl walking towards me. "Where's Jimmy?" I ask curious. Jimmy is Lizzie's brother he's one of my closest friends."He left his bag in the car," Lizzie said rolling her eyes. I chuckle at Jimmy's forgetfulness.

It reached eleven o'clock and my four closest friends; Lizzie,Jimmy, Scott and Joel. Another one of my really good friends Shelby also came, I just didn't mention her because I have a crush on her and I wish we were more than friends. We found a good sized compartment and all six of us sat down. On one side me Shelby and Jimmy sat then opposite us were Joel Lizzie and Scott it was a good lay out.

"So did any one get together over the holidays," Scott asked curiously he knew that all of us were interested with one another. He was interested in Jimmy, Joel and Lizzie and me and Shelby but Shelby didn't like me back I mean why would she I'm way too loud.

"None of us are Scott," Shelby broke to him. "Well who do you like then?" I ask him . "Um um YOU KNOW!" He struggles turning bright red we all chuckle by it."Wait you all know but I don't!" Jimmy said."Who is it Scott?" Jimmy ask. Scott starting to bite his finger nails. "Do you like any one?" Scott asks thinking this may reassure him. "Perhaps" Jimmy says. "Why don't we leave it at that," Lizzie says and all of us expect Scott and Jimmy agree. "Fine" the two say in sync.

"I'm going to the bathroom I really have to pee," Shelby said and off she went. "Has anything happened between you two?" Joel asks me. "No nothing" I say to him slightly disappointed. "You just need to tell her it's hard to be in a room with you two with out spitting it out," Scott says like it's obvious. I know I should probably tell her maybe this year and I know I said that last year. Shelby then came back "what we talking about ?" She asks in her cute high pitched voice. "Nothing," I say.

We got their about a hour later to a massive hall with tables going virtually across with piles of food on the table it was incredible. Like always we dine and feast on many different foods such as Pizza. "I really miss this place," I say as I look over the hall. This is the place I call home and I'd call it that any and every day.


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