flower husband's

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Jimmys POV

It had been a week since those prom posters had been put up. I want to ask Scott to go with me as he's my boyfriend. I lo I mean like him.I just like him I mean we've only been dating for eight months and we had our first kiss a few weeks ago so yeh like.

"Hey"I say as I walk in to the commen room. Scott runs up and hugs me as soon as he sees me."hey" I say. The rest of them apart from Scott say hey back but Scott being a Scott said "hi Jimmy" in the most flirty tone ever.

Scott kisses me on the check and we go sit back down finishing off homework. When I hear my phone go off. It was Joel .


Hey Tim I want to ask Lizzie to prom but I don't know how. Can you help?

I want to ask Scott but idk how to either.

We just have to man up and do it.


I turn off my phone and continue to work.

That night scott was very flirty very. What do I mean by this you mite ask well he kept on making sex jokes and kept on kissing me I'm fine about the kissing but the SEX JOKES NO. The worse thing is Lizzie was sat right there. I knew she would tell mum and dad.

Later in the night about ten pm Scott woke me up. "Jimmyyyy" he whispered in his adorable voice. "what do you want Scott its ten pm" I whisper back to him." Do you want to spend time with me?" He asked using the same adorable voice."yeh sure" I say he already woke me up and we didn't have school tomorrow so I was fine with it.

Scott's POV

I asked Jimmy to go some where privet and surprisingly he agreed. I wanted something special to happen. I wanted to let Jimmy know how much I lov I mean like him.

I took him on a walk all the way up the school to an almost roof top floor.

"What's all this then" Jimmy asked me he looked amazed at it."well I was hoping we could spend some time alone up hear" I say to him he blushes.
(This part is making out)

We sit down against the wall looking out against the moon and stars. I look at Jimmy he looks at me. Iv never felt so close to someone.

I lean in to Jimmy and soon enough our lips touch. Soon enough it turns into something a little more. Our tongues collide as Jimmy puts his hands on either side of my hips.

"JIMMY" I hear a voice call from the distance.

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