together (jizzie)

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Jimmy's POV

I wake up on the Saturday morning and I look to my right I see Scott, blinking it looked like he'd just waked up which he had. "Good morning," he says to me with a yawn I feel my face heating up I was defiantly blushing. "Good morning," I say back groggily. I did just wake up. "Do you think Joel's still asleep?" Scott asks me. I look to my left his eyes shut breathing through his mouth, "yep he is," I say to him chuckling. "Well let's let him rest," I suggested and he nodded in agreement.

We soon got Joel up and got ready I definitely peeked at Scott when he took off his shirt. Ever way, we got changed and headed down stairs to find the girls. I say to Scott, "do you think they kissed yet?"
"I don't know," he tells me we both look sad about it.

Lizzie POV

"Hey, Lizzie can I talk to you in privet?" Joel asks me. I think nothing of it so I say, "yeah! Sure," I'm curious on what Joel wants to tell me is it that he figured out my secret that I liked him. Oh goodness if it is, I thought. "Um so I want to tell you something," he says to me figiting he must be nurvuse. "What is it is everything alright?" I ask him trying to sound as supporting as possible. "U-um I-i like you," he says to me trembling. I was shocked I felt my face heat up. "I like you too," I say to him one hundred percent blushing.

Jimmy POV

About five minutes ago Joel and Lizzie went away to have a privert conversation and we see them coming back."Their holding hands do you think their together now?" I ask Scott who looks behind to see the two hand in hand. "Definitely can't you see how happy they are," he says to me they did look extremely happy. "Um so I just told Lizzie something you all knew and we're together," he says I look at Scott and we were both equally as happy. We congratulated the young couple on finally getting together.


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