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(It's now the night of prom and holy shit Iv been wanting to write this for so long)

Scotts pov

It's an hour till prom so I decided to get ready. I put on a gray blazer and gray pants. Ties are uncomfortable so I didn't bother pluss I only had my school one.

I do my hair brushing it for once and Joel looked genuinely shocked that I brushed my hair.

I turn to the right of me to see Jimmy coming out of the bathroom. Holy Jesus.

Jimmy was wearing a blue blazer and blue pants and again not tie. Jimmy and I had similar opinions on ties.

I didn't actually think but I went red . Some may discribe it as tomato and they be right. I got up and kissed Jimmy. The kind of kiss that would make your friend think ew. Because that's what we did.

Joel left the room pretty quickly. I didn't care though the only person I cared about was Jimmy. I put  my hand through his hair and he put his hands on my hips.

After a while Lizzie came in. "You guys have been kissing for at least ten minutes you know that" I stopped. I turned around to see the other four.

Joel's pov
Jimmy and Scott started kissing properly kissing. I waited out side the girls dorm for a good while.

About five minutes of waiting paid off and I saw Katherine and shubble holding hands. Shubble was wearing a green and purple dress and Katherines was white and purple.

I still wait for about a minute and then I see Lizzie.

She was wearing a tight baby pink dress that went down to her knees. Ber hair was done in an elegant braid. She had a pair of gold strapped heels on and pink themed make up.

I kissed her check and asked where her brother was so I showed her to our dorm where they were still kissing.

"It's been like this for about five minutes." I tell them.

So we wait and wait until it finally stopped."let's go you homosexuals" Lizzie said as we stepped out of our dorm.

We get to the main hall dance area and we did some slow dancing and some Breck dancing q grate night nune the less.

The end

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