cought and letters

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30 minutes prior to the last chapter.

Joel's pov
I woke up at about 10:30 and I wanted to go somewhere alone and special with Lizzie I really like her. I wrote a note so if Jimmy or Scott woke up they would know where I was . The note read:

You love birds iv gone with Tim's sister be back about twelve.

Big man Joel.

I then text lizzie.

Hey u up x

I am now x

Sorry do you want to go to our special place x


Lizzies pov

I get a message from Joel saying he wanted to go to our special place. I agree. I write a note:

Gone with Joel be back at twelve


I grab my phone and jacket just in case it's cold and leave my dorm. "by love birds" I say as I leave the dorm.

I go down to the common room and take his hand. "How do you look pretty even when you just got out of bed" he complements me. I blush at the complement and kiss him on the check."if it makes you feel any better that's not the only kiss your gunna get tonight" I say to him. He goes bright red.

We continue to talk well whisper until we got to the final floor next to the roof top. We go through.

"JIMMY" I see Jimmy and Scott lips locked. They were clearly making out.

Both Scott's and Jimmy's faces go bright red as they were very clearly embarrassed."I-i can explain" my baby brother stutters."it's fine you two are in love I was just shocked" I say to them."we like each other" Scott puts in. I roll my eyes I know they both love eachother.

After that we all agreed we need to go and get some sleep. I enter my dorm only to find the cutest thing ever. Shelby and Katherine cuddled up together. Awwww I think to my self. After a little thinking about Joel I go to sleep.

The next morning I wake up to the sun light going through our blinds making all three of us wake up. I say morning to the rest of the girls.

I then realized mum and I made a promise to what ever happens to Jimmy I write to her so that's what I did.

Dear mum

Their is a lot of things that Jimmy has done over the pass few weeks. Him and his boyfriend Scott went on a date and had their first kiss. Then last night Joel and I cought them making out. Any way that's all what has happened in Jimmy's love life as far as I'm concerned they've only made out that one time

Love from
       Lizzie x

I finish writing the letter and leave the dorm  only to find the other five there. I tell them I needed to go post a letter to my mum and Joel instead he go with me. So we go up the stairs to the post office and I give them the letter.

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