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"Sorry to bother you, it's Derek. Please call me when you get this message."

I went out for a little bit to catch some air when I saw this nigga Cassius hugged up with another woman. It took everything in me not to kill his ass.

"This bum ass mothafucka' is beating up my woman, the mother of MY child, living in her house and have the audacity to do some shit like this?" I was furious at this point and it must've been God because I got a phone call from Alexandra.

"What's up baby?"

"Nothing, I miss you and I'm hungry. Where are you?"

Not taking my eyes off of Cassius, I replied, "I'm just out getting some fresh air. What you want to eat?"

"Ummm, some pasta with extra marinara sauce would be nice. Oh and garlic bread Pleeeaasssee!"

I chuckled at her greedy ass. "I gotchu Suga."

"Thank you, now hurry up."

She disconnected the call and I continued to follow Cassius which led back to his office, I assumed.

"Yeah, I got somethin' for you." I thought to myself as I drove off.

Alex POV

Hours passed and Derek still wasn't back yet. "Where is he at? I'm starving." I was lying in bed, watching tv when my doorbell rang. I knew it wasn't Derek because I gave him my keycode before he left. The person began to knock profusely.

"I'm coming!" I yelled.

I opened the door and it was my parents. "Mom? Dad? What are you guys doing here?"

"Oh, Alexandra! Darling, look at your face." My mom said rubbing my bruised eye.

"Did that boy do this to you?" My father asked.

"What the hell? Who told you to come here?"

At that moment, Derek walked through the door and I knew he had done this.

"Baby!! I got your food!" He turned around and was shocked to see my parents.

"Oh, shit." He mumbled.

"What the hell, Derek?! I told you I didn't want my parents knowing about this."

My mother intervened. "He was right to call us. My goodness Alexandra! What is happening to you?"

"Baby, I only told your mom, not your dad. I swear!"

"And who the fuck you think told my father?"

"Alexandra Crane! You watch your language when speaking in front of your father and I."

I just fanned them off. There was another knock at my door.

"Uhhh!! Who in the hell could this be?!" I asked irritated.

"Moses and Joe? What are you doing here?"

"Your mother asked us to come." Moses said as Joe cracked his knuckles.

"No, no, no! Leave, now."

"Who is this?" Derek asked concerned.

Before I could get anything out, my father answered.

"Well, you already know Moses, but we hire Joe to do our dirty work. This dude put his hands on my daughter and Joe here is gonna beat his ass and hopefully kill him." Joe and my dad laughed at his terrible sense of humor.

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