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Sleeping without Derek next to me is so difficult. He's been gone for less than a day and I already feel miserable. We spoke earlier, and he explained that he needed to stay a few more days with Miss Ruby because Bo is still in the ICU. I had to FaceTime him; it was the only way I could find solace and manage to sleep.

Derek❤️: "Hello?" He said in a groggy tone.

Me: "Babyyy." I whined

Derek❤️: "What's up sexy? You ok?" He asked.

Me: "Did I wake you?"

Derek❤️: he chuckled. "Yes, but it's ok, what's wrong? Can't sleep without me?"

Me: "Bingo. It's hard. I mean I did it when we were broken up, but it's because of this damn baby."

Derek❤️: "Hey, don't be talking about my babygirl. I wanted to leave Monday night, but grandma needs me."

Me: "I understand, but I miss you. Just please hurry home and be safe out there. I love you, Derek."

Derek❤️: "I love you too Alexandra."

I ended the FaceTime call and dozed off.

Two days later-Monday...

I woke up feeling utterly miserable, realizing deep down that I yearned for Derek's presence by my side. However, I also understood that Miss Ruby needed him more in her current situation. In an effort to distract myself, I made a delicious breakfast for myself and resolved to catch up on some work.

*ding* I got a text message

Derek has this incredible ability to give me butterflies in my stomach, just like the day we first crossed paths

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Derek has this incredible ability to give me butterflies in my stomach, just like the day we first crossed paths. He has a way of making me feel absolutely beautiful, even during moments when my confidence might be lacking. Gathering my strength, I composed myself and made my way to the auto shop.

Derek POV
Atlanta, GA

I was sitting in Miss Carlotta's salon, feeling the tug of Miss Bruce's hands as she braided my hair, when I bumped into Star and Simone.

"Damn, y'all are know all over the US, and here you are still stocking shelves?" I quipped, trying to lighten the mood.

"Keep talkin' shit, Derek, and you'll go home to Alex with a black eye," Star shot back, her tone serious.

"My bad," I chuckled, still unable to contain my laughter.

"How's Alex doing, anyway?" Cotton asked, genuinely curious.

"She's doing alright, just clingy as hell. When we're sleeping, it's like her entire body weight is on me—I can barely breathe," I replied, shaking my head.

"Well, she's pregnant, Derek. What did you expect?" Simone chimed in, offering an explanation.

"No, I'm not complaining. I actually enjoy it. I just wish I could do something to make her feel beautiful," I confessed.

"Flowers and food. Those are her two favorite things," Star suggested, a hint of a smile in her voice.

"That's a good idea, Star."

"Will you quit movin' befo' I send yo' high yella' ass on with half-done braids," Bruce interjected, scolding me gently.


Just then, Miss Carlotta entered the salon, looking defeated and worn out.

"What's going on, Mama?" Cotton asked, concern evident in her voice.

"Derek, can I talk to you?" Miss Carlotta requested, her tone heavy.

"I can't get up, Miss Bruce won't let me. We're all family here, so what's happening?" I responded, feeling a mix of worry and confusion.

"Alright, I just left the hospital. Ruby is on the verge of losing her damn mind. Bo's condition is declining as we speak, and she has to make a decision whether to pull the plug or not,"

Miss Carlotta explained, the weight of her words sinking in.

I lowered my head into my hands and let out a deep sigh, my heart heavy with the burden of it all.

"Miss C, I have to get back to New York. Alex isn't doing well without me there," I said, my voice filled with concern.

"What's wrong with her?" Miss Carlotta inquired, her voice tinged with worry.

"She's lonely," I replied, my own voice carrying a hint of sadness.

"I don't mean to pry into your business, but why don't you both consider moving back home before the baby is born?" Miss Carlotta suggested, her caring nature shining through.

"Alex won't do that, and her doctors won't allow it either. We're so close to the finish line, and they don't want her traveling. That's why she isn't here now," I explained, feeling a mixture of frustration and helplessness.

With my hair finally braided by Bruce, I bid my farewells and left the salon. Being away from Alex was tearing me apart, but Grandma relied on me for everything. When I moved to New York, Bo moved in to keep her company, and now he's clinging to life on a damn life support machine.

"Something has to change. Something has to give."



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