- Chapter One -

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(Ah, hello again ! I'm sorry that this chapter is going to be a little rushed. I can't start books all that well, but when things start settling, then it's going to be written a bit better- I hope lolz)

Y/N heard an alarm and woke up. He groaned and he turned off his alarm. He threw the blanket off of his body, and sat up. He grabbed his phone that was laying on his bedside table, and opened it up. He went to Instagram and was browsing through his feed. While he was doing that, he kept seeing these little puppets that everyone was obsessing over. Apparently the main one is called Wally Darling. Y/N had never heard of this before, and he was trying to figure more about it.

Y/N posted something on his story asking about Wally and where he came from, and he got up and set his phone down on the bed. He stretched and popped his back, and walked over to his dresser. He picked out a pair of boxers, a yellow long sleeve shirt, and some star embroidered baggy pants. He walked into the restroom, and started changing. He brushed his teeth, put on some deodorant, cologne, and some lotion.

He then walked out of the restroom, and grabbed his phone again, hoping that someone responded to his story about Wally. Nothing. Y/N shrugged and walked outside of his bedroom, grabbing his bag. He walked inside the living room to see his mum reading a book. Y/N waved to her, and she bid him good morning. "Good morning mum, love you! Have a good day!" He said walking out of the house.

The grass and concrete was slightly wet when he walked outside. "It must have rained," he said, moving carefully, trying not to get his shoes wet in little puddles that were scattered around the place.


When Y/N arrived at school, he went into the cafeteria and saw his friends sitting at a table together. He walked over there and they greeted him. "Hey, have any of you guys seen Wally? Apparently he is getting pretty popular and I don't really know who he is." One of his friends chirped up, "Oh Wally? Oh my goodness I love Welcome Home!" Y/N was surprised by this, "What is it?" Asked Y/N. His friend had explained that it was an ARG that had been in the works for a few years. "Wow, that's crazy! I will definitely have to check it out!"

The bell rang and the first period began. Y/N walked to his first period and walked inside the classroom. He grabbed his computer and began to look up Welcome Home. When he got to the Introduction Page, he was greeted with a very colourful setup. "Oh wow," said Y/N under his breath. He then went to the Neighbourhood page and met all the little characters there. He really liked the whole setup.

Y/N did notice some little things on the website that were a bit different. There were letters that were slightly down, or bigger than the rest of the word. He thought that it might have been a mess up, because this site was still very new to the public. And he couldn't help but notice Wally's stare. He seemed slightly weird, almost like he was staring directly at you. It weirded Y/N out a little to be honest.

(Okay, so i am skipping the school day because I don't write about 7 periods, and a lunch hour. Fuck that lolz. And I'm sorry that this story is being rushed slightly. Starting up stories is a pain and it takes me a while to get into the flow of it.)

Y/N rushed home. He wanted to go back onto that website and read more about it, and see more art. He thought it was really cool, and it was definitely something that he would get into. When he got inside, he said hello to his mum and walked into his bedroom. He opened his laptop and saw the website was already loaded up. 'Hello Y/N.' in text showed up. "Uhm, that's weird. Maybe it's like DDLC or something like that."

He shrugged and continued looking through the website. The screen would occasionally glitch and buffer, and Y/N thought that it was just his internet. Suddenly the website went black, and words started appearing on the screen. 'I need to see you Y/N.' this started weirding Y/N out. He then felt that something was watching him, and he closed his laptop and heard his mum call his name.

"Y/N, it's time to eat!"

"Coming mum! Just give me a second!" Y/N got up from his desk and walked into the kitchen where his mum had set up the table. (im not adding any siblings or any father figure cuz i don't know if you guys have one or not, because i sure don't. And i don't want to add my brother sooo it's just the reader and the mum. You can change the parental figure if you would like, and add siblings that just won't talk.)

During dinner, the two were talking and eating, and everything was okay. It was just the two of them, and they were happy with that. After they had finished, Y/N grabbed his mum and his own plates and washed them up in the sink while his mum wiped the table down.

"Well honey, I will be down in my bedroom if you need anything. I might go to bed early tonight, so I will see you tomorrow dear." She said, walking up to Y/N and kissing him on the cheek while walking to her bedroom.

Y/N finished up his dishes and then walked back into his bedroom. He opened his laptop, hoping to see the text disappearing. The text did disappear, but there was more. 'I can't wait to see you tonight.' This freaked Y/N out more than ever. He shut his laptop and ran outside his bedroom and locked every door and every window. He already knew that his mum's windows were locked, so he didn't have to worry about her. He then went into his own room and locked everything up.

Hours had gone by, it was 11:06 and nothing happened. Y/N let out a sigh that felt like he was holding for a very long time. He plopped onto his bed and turned off the lamp that was on his bedside table and covered himself up with his blankets. His eyes started to feel heavy, and he fell asleep. 

(I have some more that has been written out, I just need to write a little bit more, so maybe I will post another chapter today, who know.)

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