- Chapter Four -

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Y/N was patiently waiting for the perfect time to leave. Everyone was heading to their homes, and I think Barnaby was hosting a sleepover. Thank goodness, they will be focused on something. The night was coming, and the stars and moon had shone very brightly. He walked outside of his home and closed the door very gently.

The woods were right there, just a few yards away. He looked around the neighbourhood and didn't see anyone. He let out a deep breath and started running into the woods. He then hid behind a big tree and looked around again and didn't see anyone. His plan was working. He started running through the forest, and his heart was racing. Y/N had thought about what he was going to do when he got home. He was going to never use the internet again and enjoy life more. He didn't want to see puppets ever again, let alone have anyone love him.

His breathing was heavy and he fell and scraped his knee on a rock. He hissed slightly, got up, and started limping. His knee was bleeding and he was freaking out. He stopped limping and took a second to regain his breathing. He looked at his knee and there was blood now running down his leg. "That must have been a deep cut," thought Y/N. His heart was beating in his ears, and his body was shaking, adrenaline high. He couldn't feel the cut on his knee, thank goodness for that, and he knew that it was going to be a pain afterward. (I just realised that puppets don't bleed. Hm, maybe it'll be like a DHMIS thing lolz)

After Y/N caught his breath, he continued running again. 'When was this forest going to end?' he thought. The further he got into the forest, the more he couldn't see. The trees seemed to get thicker, and the light from the moon was completely blocked out. He felt that his legs were going to give up on him as he was still shaking. 'Whatever, I'm going to get out of here' he thought.

Looking around, Y/N was focused on his surroundings. He had tripped and fell into a trapping pit. "No, no no no no ! I was so close!" Y/N was scratching at the wall of the hole. He began to cry and he sank down onto the floor. He was never going to escape. He was going to be here forever.

Wally's POV

Tonight felt strange. Me, Barnaby, Howdy were at Julie's sleepover. Everyone else was in their homes. "Hey guys, i'm going to take a quick breather for a sec, okay?" he said aloud to the group. They nodded, not paying attention to me. Wally shrugs and walks out. The lights were on in everyone's home besides Y/N. Wally thought that he probably went to sleep a bit early. He walked to his house and knocked on the door. No response. Wally slowly opened the door and there was silence everywhere. He walked quickly and silently to his bedroom and he wasn't there.

Wally walked out of his house and looked around. 'Where could he be?' thought Wally. He knew that he really took a liking to Julie, and he wasn't at her house, so he was trying to figure out where he could be. He saw slight footprints heading towards the forest and he sighed. "There is no way he is that dumb." sighing, Wally walked towards the colourful forest and saw that there were some snapped branches on the floor. "He couldn't have gotten far."


Scratching at the walls of the trap, there are tears running down his face. 'Goddamn it, how could I let this happen?' he was mentally and physically beating himself up over this. His hands were covered in dirt, and there was some dirt all over his clothes. Giving up, he pressed his back up against the dirt wall, and sunk down. He was sobbing at this point. "I'm never going to go back home, see my friends, or my family. I am never going to graduate, see my home, nothing." Y/N was having a breakdown. His breathing was shaky, and he was tired.

Sitting in a long silence, and thinking to himself, Y/N heard twigs snapping. He lifted his head up quickly, but kept quiet. He heard slight humming and knew who it was instantly. Suddenly he saw Wally smiling down at him. "Well, what do we have here? How did you wander this far?" asked Wally. Y/N kept his silence. "Not talking, huh?" Still more silence. "Well, I cannot let you out tonight, but tomorrow night I will bring you home. I will check on you sometime in the afternoon and bring you something to eat and drink." Y/N continued to stay silent.

"If you're not going to talk, you are going to make this harder than what it needs to be." Y/N started to feel tears prickle from his eyes. "What am I supposed to do? I'm stuck here, and I'm never going to be happy here. I hate being here," said Y/N, his vision becoming blurry from the tears forming. Wally stared down at Y/N, "Oh you will like it here eventually! You have everything that you need!" Y/N couldn't respond to that. He thought that Wally was insane.

"Well, sorry Darling, but I am going to have to leave now! I am getting pretty tired, but I will see you tomorrow!" and with that, Wally walked away and Y/N started breaking down again.

AN: Hello ! Sorry that this chapter is a bit short. I have state testing tomorrow and I wanted to get this chapter out quickly before I go brain dead, again. I hope that you guys are enjoying this story ! Love you all ! <3

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