- Chapter Seven -

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(Okay, so I have really gotten back into Welcome Home because of the newest update, and I really want to add some stuff I guess ?? I don't know- I also re-read the last chapter and a little bit from chapter five and let me tell you I totally forgot that I wrote that. I didn't expect everything to be like that because I change my ideas a lot, but whatever ! I hope you like this chapter that I have made !! :D)

Y/N was becoming jittery. He was going to go on a date with Wally! He clapped his hands on his face, feeling the heat on his hands. "Oh goodness, what am I going to wear?" Y/N asked himself, pacing around his room. He then stopped and took a deep breath. "You know what? It's fine, I won't get too dressed up. I will just wear what I am wearing right now, and add some little details to sparkle some things up!" said Y/N as he rushed to his jewellery box and opened it. Inside there was an assortment of colourful pieces of jewellery that Y/N was interested in. He put on some star earrings. (if you don't like that, be creative ! And if your ears aren't pierced, you can have those little clip-on piercings that are super cute ! :D) Y/N brushed his hair and styled it to his liking before walking outside. He then walked to the little cafe that they were going to have their date at. (Btw its the little cafe from earlier)

Y/N couldn't contain himself, he was waving his arms around and smiling brightly. He was hoping that on the walk to the cafe it would calm him down, but it didn't. It was making him more excited. Once he got to the doors, he took a deep breath, and opened them. When he did, he saw that the three were already sitting at a booth, and he walked over to the table, sitting next to Wally. "My, you look very nice," said Wally, earning a smile from Y/N. "Thank you Wally." said Y/N, slightly embarrassed.

"Good afternoon Y/N," Eddie said, waving at him gently. They then all greeted each other in a kind manner and then a waiter approached the table. "Hello everyone, what would you guys like to have?" asked the waiter, examining everyone. Eddie and Frank looked at one another and then Frank spoke up. "Yes, hello! My husband and I would really like a strawberry shake to share please!" Frank said politely, and matter-of-factly. The waiter nodded and started to scribble the order, then looked at Wally and Y/N, "what about you two?" Wally then spoke up. "We would like a chocolate shake to share!" he smiled slightly at the waiter who was scribbling the order. "Okie doki, I will try and get your order out lickety split!" he said before walking away.

Eddie started immediately talking when the waiter left. "You guys should have seen what happened the other day at the post office!" Eddie seemed like he was distressed "there was another one of those colourful Bugs making paper chains again! I really like doing that, and they keep doing it for me, and I don't like it!" Frank smiled and was rubbing Eddie's back. "It's okay Dear, you don't have to worry about them, they also like arts and crafts!" said Frank, trying to cheer Eddie up.

"Maybe you can make paper chains with the Bugs!" Y/N said, hoping that would help with Eddie's Y/N problem. Eddie looked up and smiled, "maybe I could! Maybe i could give them a little section in the post office, and they can make them all the time!" said Eddie, starting to get excited. Wally smiled at Eddie, "that's good thinking Eddie! And especially you can participate with them and they will enjoy that a lot!" Eddie nodded, and he seemed like his problem was solved.

They continued talking about random things that have been going around the neighbourhood, but Y/N wasnt really talking as much, because he hasn't been there as long as they have. He liked listening to their conversations though, even though he wasn't there when these events happened.

After a few minutes, the waiter came back and handed the two drinks to the two dates. "Thank you," said Y/N and everyone else in unison which made the waiter laugh a little. "No problem fellas! Enjoy!" he said before walking away again. Eddie took a sip of his shake that he was sharing and he put his hand over his heart. "This is so amazing I can't even describe it," he said laughing to himself. Frank rolled his eyes and started talking, "So Wally, have you painted anything recently?" asked Frank, crossing his arms over the table smiling. "No, I haven't actually. I have been too busy doing other things around the neighbourhood to draw right now." said Wally, seeming a little sad. "Well hey, maybe I can draw and/or paint with you! Whatever you would prefer!" exclaimed Y/N, who was lightly shaking his hands. Wally noticed but didn't say anything.

Wally took a sip from the straw that was closest to him, "well that's an amazing idea Y/N! We can definitely do that if you would like! I would love to draw with you!" said Wally, he seemed to be getting more excited. "That's great!" said Y/N, taking a sip from the shake.

When the date was finished, Frank and Eddie went to do their own thing, and so Wally and Y/N were walking back. "Would you like to come over to my house?" asked Wally, whilst holding hands with Y/N. Y/N nodded and so then they walked to Home.

They arrived, and Y/N saw Homes eyes flutter open. "Woah," said Y/N. Home opened their door and the two walked inside. Y/N thanked Home quietly and nicely. When Y/N walked inside, he recognised the warm coloured home. "Please sit down," said Wally, motioning his hand towards the love seat couch. Y/N sat down lightly and so did Wally.

"So, how are you liking it here, in the neighbourhood?" asked Wally. "Well, if I am being honest, I really like it here, except I don't remember where I came from? Maybe it'll hit me sooner or later, but everyone here is so nice and joyful!" said Y/N, a big smile plastered on his face. Wally smiled and nodded, "good, I am so glad that you enjoy it here! I think that everyone here enjoys your company!" he said, setting his hand gently on top of Y/N's knee. Y/N noticed, and his face started getting slightly red from embarrassment.

Wally cleared his throat, "so, who do you think is your favourite neighbour?" he asked, making eye contact with Y/N. "Oh, I don't think that I could pick favourites, but I seem to be bonding with Frank a lot! They are very nice and kind!" said Y/N, twisting his hands together. Wally nodded and looked away, "Ah yes, Frank. They are very kind, except when things aren't in order,"Wally said, taking his hand away from Y/N's knee. "Oh no, well I think it might be getting late, I have to clean up my bedroom," said Wally getting up and he adjusted his clothes. Y/N stood up as well. "Oh! Okay, sorry that I have been distracting your cleaning! I think that I might go home and draw," said Y/N walking towards the door. Wally grabbed Y/N's sleeve, "May I have a hug before you leave?" asked Wally, looking sincere. Y/N nodded and hugged Wally before leaving. "I'll see you later, okay?" said Y/N, making Wally nod lightly. Wally then closed the door, and Y/N went home. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2023 ⏰

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