- Chapter Two -

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AN: Wow, this is already getting some reads ! I'm glad that you guys are liking this so far !! <33

Y/N woke up and his head was throbbing. He rubbed his eyes and felt fabric when he touched his face. He immediately moved his hands away and saw that they were felt hands. He quickly took the blanket off of him and realised that he was somewhere new. "What the hell is going on? Am I dreaming?" He asked, looking around the room. There were paintings everywhere and the room that he was in was very cosy. He walked to the door that led to the rest of the house and opened it. Inside there was a kitchen, a hallway, and a living room. He could hear someone singing very softly, so he walked towards the noise. It was coming from the kitchen. Y/N's heart was racing as he was getting closer, and he saw the very familiar figure of Wally. He gasped and Wally turned his head around. "Oh, you're awake! Here, I have made some breakfast!"

He was dreaming, right? There was no way that there was a puppet that was standing in front of him, and there was no way that he was a puppet as well. Y/N walked slowly to the table and sat down. "This is a weird dream," said Y/N aloud, looking around the kitchen. Wally sat down next to him, set their plates down and laughed. "This isn't a dream silly!" Y/N looked at Wally with slight concern on his face. "No, this has got to be, I mean- walking and talking puppets can't just exist like this." Wally chuckled a little, "Well, this is my world, and I brought you here! I really thought that this place would be complete with you here!"

Y/N was started to get a little more nervous. 'What is going on right now?' he thought. He was still in shock by what was going on, so he was just thinking that he had been having a very vivid dream. He banished the thought from his head and had begun eating. Y/N continued to look around and he had seen that Wally had already finished. 'Dang, he eats fast.' Y/N thought to himself.

When the two finished eating, Wally got their plates and put them in the sink. "I will wash those later. For the time being, I should introduce you to my friends!" Y/N nodded and followed Wally outside. He looked around and saw that Wally's house had moving eyes. He jumped and almost screamed when he saw that the house was looking at him. "Oh, you don't have to be scared of Home! They are very nice!" Y/N examined Home once again and continued to walk with Wally.

Up ahead there was a picnic table with the Wally's friends gathered around, talking and laughing. Y/N recognised them and thought that they looked so very real. When the two got to the table, Wally greeted them. "Hello neighbours! I have brought a new friend here, his name is Y/N!" Everyone at the table waved and Julie walked up to him. "Oh wow, you're wearing some very odd clothing. Maybe I can help you with your wardrobe!" She was examining his clothes and lifting up his arms. Everyone started to gather around Y/N and ask multiple questions at a time. "Woah woah everyone, settle down! He just got here! Now, we need to be respectful and be polite! You will have a chance to talk to him whenever he is available." Said Wally while placing his hand on Y/N's shoulder. Julie let go of Y/N and stepped back a little bit, and everyone else took a step back from Y/N.

Y/N then cleared his throat, "Well here, I will give you some information about me so you can have a general idea of who I am. My name is Y/N and I really like drawing. (To everyone else reading, just kind of insert what you see fit.)

"Oh wow, that's so cool!" said Sally, whilst flapping her arms around. Frank smiled and nodded in agreement. "Well, I am so glad that you guys like Y/N!" Said Wally, smiling and looking at Y/N. Everyone then sat back at the picnic table, except Poppy and Barnaby who sat on the grass. Eddie and Julie were trying to both sit next to Y/N, but Eddie felt a gaze from Wally, and so he moved over so that Wally could sit next to Y/N.

Wally smiled and sat next to Y/N. He made sure that their shoulders were touching. 'Goodness, he is very pretty' said Wally to himself. Wally watched Y/N the majority of the time that they were sitting at the table.

After the group was slowly doing other things, Poppy walked up to Y/N. "hey! I know that you probably don't want to room with Wally and so we have a house for you! a whole bunch because privacy is important from time to time!" Y/N nodded and the two started walking.

They arrived at a F/C house and it was very nicely decorated. There were colourful flowers that covered the front of the house, and there were pretty stones as well. "Oh wow, it's so pretty!" Exclaimed Y/N. He was in shock and awe. He opened the door and saw how beautiful the house was. It basically represents his personality! He looked over at Poppy and she was smiling at him, "I'm glad you like it hon!" She then said that she was going to do something else and left. Y/N waved goodbye and examined the house. It was very nice, there was a nice kitchen, a living room, and a bedroom. He saw that there was a cardboard box in the living room. He opened it up and found all of his prized possessions. There was another box and it was filled with all of his sketchbooks. "Wow, this dream is just so cool!" Y/N had the biggest smile on his face.


As the day went on, Y/N still thought that he was in a dream. It was pretty dark out and he was about ready to go to bed. "Well, maybe when I wake up here, then I will wake up in real life! I mean, that is very reasonable, so hopefully that will work."

Y/N fell onto his bed and covered himself up. He tried falling asleep, and he did successfully.







Y/N had awoken and he had seen that he was in the same room. His heart sank. "What the hell is going on? This cant be possible, it just cant! Am I dead?" He was freaking out and thinking everything over, then he remembered what Wally said. 'Well, this is my world, and I brought you here! I really thought that this place would be complete with you here!'

He had put his hand on his head and was trying to collect himself. 'Did his mum know that he was gone?' 'Were people going to look for him?' 'Did they even know where to look?' These questions were flying around Y/N's head. He got out of his bed and walked to the kitchen. He got to the sink and sprayed water on his face, which he instantly regretted due to the feeling of his new skin. There was no way that he was going to stay here. He had a normal life before this. He thought that this type of thing only happened in movies! Not in real life!

Hearing a knock on his door, he opened it to see Wally. "Hello Neighbour!" He said with enthusiasm in his voice.

"Wally, where am I..." 

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