- Chapter Six -

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AN: Sorry I haven't uploaded recently ! Last week was very difficult for me, and school has been draining me, sucking me dry basically. But, hopefully I will post another chapter this week, I really do hope because I really want to finish this story ! Also, I am sorry that this chapter is a bit short, I just needed to get this out of here so I can think of some ideas.

Y/N awoke and stretched, a smile forming on his face. "Ah, it's such a nice day today!" He rubbed his eyes and got out of bed. He looked and saw that his body was dirty. "What the? How did this happen?" Y/N asked himself, examining his clothing. He shrugged and picked out a new outfit. He picked out an orange sweater with a star on the front of it, and the sleeves were blue. He had picked out a white buttoned-up shirt to go underneath. Y/N grabbed a pair of light green shorts, and a pair of blue and green striped socks. (If you don't like the outfit, then be creative ! This is a cute outfit that I think would fit the Welcome Home aesthetic :D) Y/N had put the clothes on and grabbed a pair of red tennis shoes. He washed his hands, this time not minding the feeling of the felt against the water. Everything seemed normal and he was happy.

Minding his own business, Y/N heard the doorbell ring. He lifted his head up and opened the door, seeing Frank standing there. "Hello Fr-" Y/N was cut off by Frank walking quickly into his house and shutting the door. "Where were you yesterday? Are you okay?" Asked Frank, setting their arms on Y/N's shoulders. "What do you mean, I'm fine?" Y/N said, confused about Frank's behaviour. "I saw Wally carrying you back here. I saw the whole thing. You were unconscious. What happened Y/N?"

Y/N grabbed Franks hands and held them gently, "Frank, I don't know what you're talking about, or why you think that Wally would do that, but I think you just had a nightmare." Said Y/N calmly. Frank looked at him stunned, "oh no, he didn't." was the last thing Frank said before exiting Y/N's house and running to Wally's. They knocked frantically on his door, shook their head and opened it, running inside. Y/N stood there and tried yelling to them.

Franks POV

Frank ran inside home and saw Wally reading a book. They closed the door and looked at Wally, their heart rate increasing. "What is wrong with Y/N? He seems off," said Frank, furrowing their eyebrows. "Oh Frank, Y/N has been sick remember? He said that he had been feeling slightly under the weather since he has arrived. He just seems a bit more cheerful because he is not feeling ill." Frank tried to think of something to say, but got interrupted by Wally. "How about a drink? We can talk about it over some tea?" Wally said, while setting his book down and getting up.

Wally walked towards the kitchen and Frank sat down on the couch. They were still very nervous but what if he was right? He thought that maybe Y/N had became unconscious because of how sick he was and Wally was with him? That made sense, right? Wally had came back with two cups of tea and handed one to Frank. Frank looked at the tea and blew some of the steam off before taking a sip. They took another sip and looked at Wally who was setting his cup onto a little coaster for his drink. "So, what were we talking about Frank?" Asked Wally, crossing his legs.

Frank suddenly couldn't remember what he was talking about. "Uhm, I don't remember actually," said Frank, thinking about what they were talking about. Wally tapped his cheek and was thinking. "Oh, you were talking about Eddie! You had said that you guys went butterfly catching yesterday as a date!" Frank suddenly lit up and smiled. "Oh yeah our date was amazing! After we went butterfly catching, we did some arts and crafts!" said Frank, their face turning slightly red.


After Frank went inside Y/N stood outside of his own house for a little bit. After a little bit Y/N decided that things were fine and that he needed to go say hello to everyone. He walked onto the sidewalk and saw Poppy planted some colourful flowers. Y/N walked up to Poppy and sat down on his knees, "Hello Poppy!" said Y/N lightly. Poppy looked at her and smiled, "Oh good morning Y/N! Its good to see that you're up and energetic!" She was still tending to her little garden. Y/N watched her and she carefully handled everything.

Y/N suddenly heard laughing and saw that Wally and Frank were walking out of Home. Y/N lit up and bid goodbye to Poppy, hugging her. He then walked away and ran up to Wally and Frank. "Good morning Y/N!" Wally said cheerfully. The three of them walked and talked, then Frank had an idea. "Hey, what if we went on a double date? Eddie and I, and you and Wally!" they said looking towards Y/N, which caused his face to flare up with a bright colour of red. "Wally and I? I mean, if he is alright with it, then I don't see a problem!" Y/N looked at Wally and he nodded, "Of course I would love to go on a double date!" Frank then clapped their hands together. "A double date it is then!"

AN: Yes, there will be more fluff from here on out, but there is obviously going to be some sort of thing that is going to happen, I'm not sure, but something ill happen lolz. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter !

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