- Chapter Five -

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(Okay, so i know I messed up a whole bunch on the last chapter, but I am not going to fix that. I am waayyy to lazy for that, and I apologise. Anyways, here is a new chapter !)

 Y/N didn't get that much sleep last night. It was very light and for short amounts of time. He was exhausted. He had mentally and physically tired himself out trying to get out of the pit. He couldn't think properly, and his eyes felt heavy. He hated to think that he would have to wait for Wally to show up and give him some food and water. He stretched and popped his back and neck, at least trying to get somewhat comfortable in the place that he was in.

The time that had gone by had felt like forever. He had watched the sun rise, and could hear birds chirping around him. The colourful trees were blowing against the soft wind that was coming through the forest. He then heard Wally's humming again. Y/N lifted his head up to hear it better, and saw Wally standing there. "Hello Y/N! I came here with your food and drink. I have some apple juice, and some cake!" Wally said, while grabbing a rope and setting a basket down onto the floor gently. "Oh, and there is an apple in there as well!" he added. Y/N walked over to the basket and saw the food. Who cares if it wasn't the healthiest thing, besides the apple, and he looked up at Wally, "Thank you." is all Y/N said. Wally smiled and looked down at him, "You're Welcome Y/N."

Y/N started to eat the food that he had been given, and drink the jar of apple juice. He was trying to savour the food, and not gobble it all down. Wally sat down at the edge of the pit and dangled his feet, kicking his feet slightly.

When Y/N had finished eating, he set the plate and jar back into the basket. Wally grabbed the rope and pulled the basket back up. "You know, you're very weird. You're the first person that has ever come here, but you act so different from my friends. Why is that?" Wally asked, setting the basket next to him. Y/N furrowed his eyebrows, "Maybe that's because they have always lived in such a nice place, and it's a lie. You're Not fooling anybody Wally. You're obsessive and have severe problems." said Y/N. Wally stared at him with an unreadable expression. He then got up and left the hole, grabbing the basket in the process. Y/N sat against the wall again and watched Wally leave.

As some time went by, Y/N felt that he was getting sleepy. His vision was getting slightly blurry and it felt delayed. "What the heck is going on?" Y/N said aloud. He looked at his hand and it had multiplied. "That fucking bitch," he said, trying to get up. His knees felt weak. Y/N tried to balance his weight, but then passed out onto the hard floor.

Wally POV

Walking back home, he snuck back into the neighbourhood without anyone questioning anything. He saw Barnaby and waved to him. Barnaby waved back with a smile on his face. Wally walked into Home and set the basket down on the kitchen counter. He grabbed the rope and rolled it up nicely, stuffing it in a drawer under the counter. He grabbed the jar and plate and set it in his sink. Wally washed the dishes and set them out to dry.

Wally grabbed his basket and set it onto the kitchen table. He clasped his hands together and smiled, "Well, I need to prepare for tonight Home! I will go and get the medicine ready!" Wally walked into his bedroom and walked to his closet. He opened the door and saw a safe with and put in the pin code. The safe opened, and inside there were an assortment of drugs. Sleeping, Pain, Narcotics, everything that you could think of. He grabbed a bottle full of drug indused amnesia, benzodiazepine. "Here is the right bottle," said Wally aloud, while opening the bottle and taking two pills. "I need to make sure this works successfully."

Closing the lid to the bottle, he set it back into the safe and shut the door, causing the pin code to reset. He stood up and walked out of the closet, closing the door gently. Still holding the pills, Wally walked back into the kitchen, he set them on a little tray inside the kitchen. He sighed, smiled and walked outside. He saw that Julie and Frank were walking along the sidewalk, and Wally decided to join them. "Hello neighbours!" said Wally, crossing his arms behind his back. Frank looked at him and smiled, "Hey Wally! I was just talking to Julie about the different and very rare types of butterflies!" said Frank, holding his hand out to Julie, showing that they were talking. Julie nodded, "Hey, have you seen Y/N today? I knocked on his door and he didn't answer. Is he alright?" Asked Julie, looking slightly concerned. "Oh, he is just very sick. He took a walk outside and his allergies started acting up. He is just sleeping at the moment," said Wally.

Julie's eyes looked like they sparkled. "Well maybe we can go visit him! That should at least make him happy while Y/N is sick!" Wally had to come up with an excuse, "Oh no, Y/N needs his rest. Maybe next time," said Wally, reassuring Julie. Frank looked at Wally, but didnt say anything, he knew something was up.

NIght had fallen and Wally was on the move. He grabbed a small portable ladder and walked into the forest again. He looked around the neighbourhood and saw that all the lights were off.

When he arrived at the trap pit, he saw that Y/N was on the floor. "Did he try standing up? He is something different. You don't try to walk around when you have been drugged," said Wally rolling his eyes. He stretched out the ladder and set it against the wall of the pit. He climbed down and picked up Y/N. He struggled when he walked up the ladder due to the uneven weight. When Wally got out of the hole, he set Y/N on the floor and grabbed the ladder. He shrunk it back down to its portable size, and grabbed Y/N once again, but making it seem a bit more comfortable for the both of them. They then walked back.

Walking to Home, Wally opened the door, and quickly went inside. He set Y/N down on his couch and grabbed the medicine on the counter. He grabbed a glass of water and opened Y/Ns mouth. He made Y/N sit up so that he didn't choke on the water. Wally tipped the glass and set the pills in his mouth. Y/N subconsciously swallowed.

(Okay quick authors note. So Y/N was put under a medically induced amnesia. I don't want there to be any confusion there.)

Wally then picked Y/N up and took him to his own home. He set Y/N down on his bed, and made sure that everything seemed real. He set a tissue box on his bedside, along with a bottle of water and a pack of crackers. He was proud of what he did. Wally bent down and kissed Y/N on the cheek, "Goodnight my darling, I'll see you tomorrow." and Wally left.

(okay, now we are going to be getting some fluff. I didnt want to quickly start off with it, so now I am finally going to move on. And obviously there will be some more lore and stuff to this, but it will take some time. Hopefully I can finish this story before I get out of the fandom. Just hopefully.)

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